3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.
The design of our buildings will have walls thick enough to block the ingress of radiation. They will also withstand the pressure differences between the interior and the exterior. And they will be resistant to the impact of micrometeorites.
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El diseño de nuestros edificios hará que tengan paredes lo suficientemente gruesas para que puedan bloquear la entrada de radiación. También soportarán las diferencias de presión entre el interior y el exterior. Y serán resistentes al impacto de los micrometeoritos.
3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.
When it comes to feeding astronauts, it is essential that they can grow their own fruits, vegetables and vegetables. For this, a greenhouse will be built and the hydroponic agriculture technique will be used, through which plants are grown in water and illuminated with LED lights to artificially replace sunlight. Water from sinks and showers will be recycled to maintain the necessary degree of humidity. Water will also be extracted from the lunar poles. With regard to energy, it will be obtained through solar panels and stored in batteries. As for oxygen, essential for breathing, it will be obtained by chemical processes from the electrolysis of water molecules.
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A la hora de alimentarse los astronautas, es fundamental que puedan cultivar sus propias frutas, verduras y hortalizas. Para ello se construirá un invernadero y se recurrirá a la técnica de agricultura hidropónica, mediante la cual se cultivan plantas en agua y se las ilumina con luces LED para reemplazar artificialmente la luz del Sol. Se reciclará el agua de lavabos y duchas para mantener el grado de humedad necesario. También se extraerá agua de los polos lunares. En lo que respecta a la energía, ésta será obtenida a través de paneles solares y acumulada en baterías. En cuanto al oxígeno, imprescindible para respirar, será obtenido por procesos químicos a partir de la electrólisis de las moléculas de agua.