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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

The Moonrise

ROBOKIDS  Burnaby-BC    Canada 11   0 / 0 English

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1.1 – Project Description

Our Moon Camp base is called “The Moonrise”. This camp will have the capacity for 3 astronauts.  Each astronaut has daily tasks to do before the end of the day. The goal is to study the environment of the Moon. This camp is located in the Shackleton crater. The moon base will have 13 different rooms.

1.) Monitoring/communication room, which will control and surveillance the entire camp 24/7.

2.) Exercise room, that has 3 treadmills, 5 stretch bands and 2 yoga balls.

3.) Research lab, with science equipment like, chemistry bottles, test tubes, rock samples, etc. There will also be 3 supply-collecting robots (Titan, Alpha, Blaze). They will also help with maintenance of the camp. The robots will be made of titanium, steel, plastic and a very powerful and smart robot brain.

4.) Electrical with 10 power generators. The solar panels will give out 120 megawatts per day.

5.) Bedrooms, where bedrooms with their crucial belongings. Inside there are one bed, one table and 3 emergency oxygen cans.

6.) Medical room, that has a medical bed, heart beat monitor and a table.

7.) Storage Room. Inside the room, there are broken cars, tires, supplies and junk.

8.) Toilets. There are 3 stalls. Each toilet is high tech and will prevent from clogging.

9.) Smart Green House. Astronauts grow apples, oranges, carrots, watermelon and corn in the green house. This is a part of astronaut food supply. We will bring a lot of Earth’s soil to grow plants. Our greenhouse’s roof is transparent, but if our sensors will calculate if the plants had enough sunlight, it will dim the glass and make shadows for our food.

10.) Meeting Room.  It has one circle table and 4 chairs.  There is 1 emergency meeting button in the middle of the table in case of important incident happens in the base.

11.) Dressing Room. This is where astronaut get on their space gear. There are 3 space suits and 2 long couch.

12.) Garage. Inside the garage, there are 3 highly intelligent rovers. The rovers has robotic arms and drills and other equipments. They have a big storage tank and one seat. This big rovers are designed to harvest and explore.

13.) Water Tank.  Robots and astronauts will bring blocks of ice into the water tank facility.  Inside the facility, there is a ice melter machine and many barrels of water.

These rooms will be connected with each other. The astronauts will walk through pipes. All of these rooms are all well heated and perfect for humans. All of the heating will be controlled by the command room.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

Our main goal with our moon camp is to research the moon while giving a warm place to live.

The moon is a test for our astronauts. We want them to get used to the conditions of space and the gravity. If an astronaut succeeds on his job, he will have another chance to go to the moon again or somewhere else. We also want to test technology, flight capabilities, exploration techniques, life support systems and try make a sustainable life on the moon ,etc.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

Inside the Crater, there is a chance of ice in there. On the outside of the crater, there will be sunlight for a long time because of the tilt of the moon. We could use that as an advantage for a lot of energy from the sun. We could have two main resources the same location. The South Pole also has more livable temperature. Which will reduce the insulation required.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

When we land our rocket and our lunar lander lands, we will need to be very accurate and land inside of the Shackleton crater. We will use our robots to build our base while our astronauts get ready to live on the moon. We will bring some of our supply with our moon lander but, some are in the rocket ship. 2 robots will climb the service structure and climb to the top. At the top, the robots will open a hatch and grab some supplies into their inventory. They will climb to the top and deliver all the supplies to the astronaut.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

In space, thousands of meteorites crash on the moon. Some meteorites will crash on our moon base. The camp has thick walls and will protect the astronauts. Since the moon camp is insulated, our astronauts has a cozy and welcoming home on the moon surface. The first layer of our base will be concrete. We chose this because it has good strength, durability and good shielding from meteorites. Our second layer of our moon base is made of metal and 100% pure titanium. This is the strongest metal so we will use it for the bigger meteorites. The third layer is metal crosses this will help with moonquakes and any big asteroid collision. The last layer is going to be sorbothane. This layer will be shock absorbing. In fact, sorbothane absorb 94.7 % of the shock.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

A) Water

In the beginning, the astronauts will rely on water from Earth. After the water from the Earth runs out, we will use the water from ice. After our astronauts harvested the ice, they will insert the ice in the ice melter. It will melt the ice and purify in the same time. The water will be stored on huge plastic barrels. They contain 150 litres per barrel which last about one month.

B) Food

On the moon, we will grow watermelons, carrot, apples, oranges and corn in the greenhouse. We will also bring dried food e.g. beef, chicken etc and we will also bring some snacks to space. For other foods, we will use a special food 3D printer. Our rockets are very big, so we can store a lot of food and other supplies.

C) Electricity

The moon camp will be powered by the sun. We will absorb the nuclear function and provide a strong source of power. Our camp is placed in the south pole, where there is infinite sunlight. Infinite sunlight equals to infinite energy. The solar panels will generate at least 120 megawatts. The moon has 354 days in a moon year so, we will have 424 gigawatts in one year. This is a lot of energy and we will not use all of it. We will store some of it in case of emergencies.

D) Air

We will use the moon’s atmosphere’s Carbon Dioxide to make oxygen from plants by photosynthesis. This can provide a simple but sustainable source of air for everyone living on the moon.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

We would go to rocky areas like Iceland and climb the mountains in a spacesuit. It would make the astronauts feel like they are walking in the mountains and collecting samples.

We can also go underwater and simulate zero gravity.

VR is also a good idea. Special engineers and creators will make a highly realistic VR simulation to have a idea of the landscape and what they are going to see on the moon.