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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


ROBOKIDS  Burnaby-British Columbia    Canada 11   0 / 0 English

1.1 – Project Description

My moonbase consists of many things that help us live comfortably while allowing us to study new things that will help us so much in the future. New planets that we can inhabit, advanced robots, new discoveries of life, all done on the moon. I feel that this moonbase is an accurate representation of what will happen in the near future, insane discoveries and amazing plans. My moonbase is advanced, futuristic and well designed.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

Most topics in the moonbase are about future plans and engineering, each astronaut is assigned a topic, such as plumber astronauts, engineer astronauts, astrophysic astronauts, astrogeology astronauts, and astrobiology astronauts. Robotics astronauts will make machines that make life on the moon easier for the science astronauts, cook astronauts, farmer astronauts etc. Most experiments will be conducted on finding the composition of moon rocks, how things change with the low gravity of the moon, and on the weather of the moon. Astronomy topics will mainly be on searching for more stars, exoplanets, places that we can inhabit later, and searching for life on the moon. If life on the moon is found, it can lead to experiments on how such living creatures can survive the harsh environments and how their bodies have adapted to the low gravity of the moon.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

The first thing when trying to make a safe environment for astronauts to live in while on the moon is the types of materials that will be used in the building of shelters and facilities. These structures will have to survive the extreme environments of the moon, as the temperatures can swing wildly from 120 degrees to -130 degrees Celsius. Because of this, I have chosen materials that act as a good insulator against such temperature swings, while also thinking about how long the materials will last under harsh environments. Resupply missions will be rare and the materials will have to last a long time. With these things in mind, my moonbase will be built with titanium walls and polycarbonate plastic windows. Titanium was picked because of its low thermal conductivity, making it a good insulator for extreme environments. Combined with the regular insulation techniques for housing, it will make for good protection against heat and cold. Polycarbonate plastic is used for the transparent domes because it also acts as a good insulator and is almost impossible to break. It is much better than regular glass, as glass can easily break and is not good at insulation. With these two materials as the foundation for the moon base, the astronauts will have a safe living environment that is temperature controlled and has a good view of the outdoors.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

The first thing when trying to make a safe environment for astronauts to live in while on the moon is the types of materials that will be used in the building of shelters and facilities. These structures will have to survive the extreme environments of the moon, as the temperatures can swing wildly from 120 degrees to -130 degrees Celsius. Because of this, I have chosen materials that act as a good insulator against such temperature swings, while also thinking about how long the materials will last under harsh environments. Resupply missions will be rare and the materials will have to last a long time. With these things in mind, my moonbase will be built with titanium walls and polycarbonate plastic windows. Titanium was picked because of its low thermal conductivity, making it a good insulator for extreme environments. Combined with the regular insulation techniques for housing, it will make for good protection against heat and cold. Polycarbonate plastic is used for the transparent domes because it also acts as a good insulator and is almost impossible to break. It is much better than regular glass, as glass can easily break and is not good at insulation. With these two materials as the foundation for the moon base, the astronauts will have a safe living environment that is temperature controlled and has a good view of the outdoors.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

The first thing when trying to make a safe environment for astronauts to live in while on the moon is the types of materials that will be used in the building of shelters and facilities. These structures will have to survive the extreme environments of the moon, as the temperatures can swing wildly from 120 degrees to -130 degrees Celsius. Because of this, I have chosen materials that act as a good insulator against such temperature swings, while also thinking about how long the materials will last under harsh environments. Resupply missions will be rare and the materials will have to last a long time. With these things in mind, my moonbase will be built with titanium walls and polycarbonate plastic windows. Titanium was picked because of its low thermal conductivity, making it a good insulator for extreme environments. Combined with the regular insulation techniques for housing, it will make for good protection against heat and cold. Polycarbonate plastic is used for the transparent domes because it also acts as a good insulator and is almost impossible to break. It is much better than regular glass, as glass can easily break and is not good at insulation. With these two materials as the foundation for the moon base, the astronauts will have a safe living environment that is temperature controlled and has a good view of the outdoors.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

The training program for the astronauts is to first ask them which job they want to be, this will narrow down the type of training we will give them. You will need a degree for that specific job and also the skills of an astronaut. Once the people have been selected we put them in a training program called 120SPACE. In this program, they begin their training using 3D simulators that will emulate the conditions of the job that they are doing and also the daily stresses of living on the moonbase. After 10 months of training with the simulations they will be flown to the moonbase to begin training there as a rookie staff to get real life experience on how things work on the moon. Once their supervisor feels that they are ready to work independently, the rookie staff will have a graduation test, a written and practical exam that sees if they are ready. The written exam will be on the theory of everything they learned and on how the machinery they are operating works. The practical exam will be on how well they can handle the pressures of actually working in their assigned environment and how to handle emergencies.