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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


IES Las Salinas  Fuengirola-Málaga    Spain 14   0 / 1 Español

1.1 – Project Description


We started the project by installing solar panels to power the entire plant. It is divided into two floors, the first we find the greenhouse to plant food, a kitchen which is surrounded by a dome to cook the little food that we have and to its right we have the bunk beds that are our rest area to sleep in which All the members of the ship slept, to the right is the rocket which we landed on and we built a base for it not to fall and to be able to recharge, next to it we have the crane that collects the lunar ice so that we can filter and drink water later. And finally we have the Ratchet to investigate the entire area.


Original Text:

Comenzamos el proyecto poniendo paneles solares para dar electricidad a toda la central. se divide en dos pisos el primero nos encontramos el invernadero para plantar el alimento , una cocina a cual está rodeada por una cúpula para cocinar el escaso alimento del que disponemos y a su derecha tenemos las literas que es nuestra zona de descanso para dormir en la cual dormimos todos los integrantes la nave, a la derecha está el cohete el cual aterrizamos y le construimos una base para q no se cayese y poder recargar , al lado tenemos la grúa que recoge el hielo lunar para después poder filtrar y beber agua. Y por último tenemos el Ratchet para investigar toda la zona.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


Because I want to explore the entire moon to know everything that can be done there and investigate to be able to go to more planets and how not to try to find some life on the moon, something that no one has ever been able to solve.


Original Text:

Porque quiero explorar todo la luna saber todo lo que se puede hacer allí e investigar  para poder ir a más planetas y cómo no intentar encontrar algo de vida en la luna algo que nunca nadie ha podido resolver.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


Because in the crater there is more space to be able to do research, apart from the fact that we would be protected by its walls and the lunar cold would not be so noticeable, I could continue digging down to find life or drinking water and for crops it would be better.


Original Text:

Porque en el cráter hay más espacio para poder hacer las investigaciones aparte que estaríamos protegidos por sus paredes y no se notaría tanto el frío lunar , podría seguir escarbando para abajo para poder encontrar vida o agua potable y para los cultivos vendría mejor.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


In the crater I am going to make the rooms and the kitchen and around the crater I could do as the upper part of a base I would make an elevator so as not to have problems going up or down around the crater I would put solar panels for the electricity of the base The greenhouse would also do it inside the chester so that it would not suffer damage, on the outside would be the Ratchet that would go around the moon, the excavator to collect the lunar ice and try to drink it and a dome in which it would store the water.


Original Text:

En el cráter voy a hacer las habitaciones y la cocina y alrededor del cráter podría hacer como la parte de arriba de una base haria un ascensor para no tener problemas de subida ni de bajada  alrededor del cráter pondría paneles solares para la electricidad de la base el invernadero tambien lo haria en el interior del chester para que no sufriera daños , en el exterior estaría el Ratchet que recorrería todo la luna , la excavadora para recoger el hielos lunar y intentar beberlo y una cúpula en la que guardaría el agua.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


To protect against radiation all the time you walk through the tubes designed to measure to walk from dome to dome without suffering any damage, for meteorites we have machines that detect when one approaches and shoot them if the meteorite is not very big it will break and If it is big it will move to another part, for extreme temperatures we will use the crater so that it does not reach so much and the domes thanks to the solar panels are incorporated with air conditioning and heating to be able to spend the nights and days on the moon


Original Text:

Para proteger contra la radiación todo el rato se anda por los tubos  diseñados a medida para andar de cúpula a cúpula sin sufrir ningún daño , para los meteoritos tenemos máquinas que detectan cuando se acerca uno y dispararles si el meteorito no es muy grande se romperá y si es grande se desplazará a otra parte , para la temperaturas extremas utilizaremos el cráter para que no llegue tanto y las cúpulas gracias a los paneles solares están incorporadas con aire acondicionado y con calefacción para poder pasar las noches y los días en la luna

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


The first would be having to jump in a parachute to lose the fear of falling since it is similar to a rocket, going through extreme temperatures since there are very sudden changes in temperatures on the moon, it would also be spending a lot of time locked up because they will not be there going in and out by radiation.


Original Text:

La primera sería tener que tirarse en  paracaídas para perder el miedo a caer ya que es similar a un cohete, pasar temperaturas extremas ya que en la luna hay cambios muy bruscos de las temperaturas , también sería pasar mucho tiempo encerrados porque alli no van a estar saliendo y entrando por la radiación.

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