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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.



1.1 – Project Description


To start this brief description of our lunar camp project we have to say that it is quite simple, since
that is designed to fulfill the basic functions that a fit astronaut needs to stay healthy both physically and mentally.
This has two encapsulated single rooms, equipped with a bed and a desk. On the sides are their respective bathrooms for each one. In the center is the dining room where the astronauts will be able to taste a delicious special meal for its long duration.

The camp has a lunar vehicle (Lunar Roving Vehicle, or LRV, used by missions XV, XVI and XVII of the Apollo program.) Which is used to move around the lunar surface and investigate it.

Last but not least we mention the rocket, the one responsible for having been able to take the astronauts to the camp and lunar, this can be found on a flat red and black landing strip located in the upper left corner of the camp.


Original Text:

Para empezar esta breve descripción de nuestro proyecto de campamento lunar tenemos que decir que es bastante simple, ya
que está diseñado para cumplir las funciones básicas que necesita un astronauta en buena forma para mantenerse sano tanto física como mentalmente.
Este cuenta con dos habitaciones individuales encapsuladas, equipadas con una cama y un escritorio. A los lados se encuentran sus respectivos cuartos de aseo para cada uno. En el centro se encuentra el comedor donde los astronautas podrán degustar una deliciosa comida especial por su larga duración.

El campamento dispone de un vehículo lunar (Lunar Roving Vehicle, o LRV, el utilizado por las misiones XV, XVI y XVII del programa Apolo.) El cual es utilizado para desplazarse por la superficie lunar e investigar esta.

Por último pero no menos importante mencionamos al cohete, el responsable de haber podido llevar a los astronautas al campamento y lunar, este se puede encontrar en una pista de aterrizaje plana roja y negra situada en la esquina superior izquierda del campamento.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


The couple of astronauts who will live in the camp want to go to the moon to explore some unknown craters, they go there to get to know them better and get information about them for NASA and ESA.


Original Text:

La pareja de astronautas que habitará el campamento quieren ir a la luna para explorar unos cráteres desconocidos , van allí para conocerlos mejor y conseguir información sobre ellos para la NASA y la ESA.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?


2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


This camp is designed to be built on the mare Serenitatis, which is on the near side of the moon, this is a sea
lunar located east of the Mare Imbrium and south of the Mare Frigoris. It is necessary that the camp is located in a part of the visible face of the moon for the main operation of the solar panels.


Original Text:

Este campamento está diseñado para construirse en el mare Serenitatis, que está en la cara visible de la luna, este es un mar
lunar ubicado al este del Mare Imbrium y al sur del Mare Frigoris. Es necesario que el campamento esté situado en una parte de la cara visible de la luna para el primordial funcionamiento de las placas solares.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


Mainly almost all the materials used to make the camp are exported from the earth, since on the moon they are not find these (glass for the vaults, plastics, wood or food for consumption).


Original Text:

Principalmente casi todos los materiales utilizados para hacer el campamento se exportan de la tierra, ya que en la luna no se encuentran estos (cristal para las bóvedas, plásticos, madera o alimentos para el consumo).

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


Regarding the numerous dangers that the lunar environment can cause to astronauts, the area in which they will live has large vaults that are capable of withstanding all kinds of situations such as a meteorite, the vacuum of space, radiation or isolating temperatures. extreme.


Original Text:

Con respecto a los numerosos peligros que puede provocar el entorno lunar a los astronautas, el área en la que habitarán cuenta con unas grandes bóvedas que son capaces de soportar todo tipo de situaciones como un meteorito, el vacío del espacio, la radiación o aislar temperaturas extremas.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


The camp also has a resource field to supply itself with oxygen and light energy, which is obtained through specially equipped solar panels to know when to operate, which are connected to the energy tanks by means of a specialized underground cable.

To have drinking water they have a water tank that will be distributed according to needs. Not to mention that the astronauts have a religious facility (Christian church in this case, since the inhabitants of this lunar base have decided so) so that they continue with their customs and beliefs and feel at home.
With respect to the inorganic waste that these astronauts can generate, they could be taken to the clean point of encapsulated containers, which is expelled weekly into space through a suction grid (this process does not contaminate on a large scale since there are only two people the amount of waste expelled into space is tiny compared to this).


Original Text:

El campamento también dispone de un campo de recursos para abastecerse de oxígeno y energía lumínica, la cual se obtiene mediante placas solares equipadas especialmente para saber en que momento funcionar, las cuales se conectan con los tanques de energía mediante un cable subterráneo especializado.

Para disponer de agua potable cuentan con un tanque de agua que se distribuirá según las necesidades. Sin contar que los astronautas disponen de una instalación religiosa ( iglesia cristiana en este caso, ya que los habitantes de esta base lunar así lo han decidido) para que estos sigan con sus costumbres y creencias y se sientan en como en casa.Con respecto a los desechos inorgánicos que puedan generar dichos astronautas, los podrían llevar al punto limpio de  contenedores encapsulados, el cual semanalmente es expulsado al espacio por una rejilla de succión ( este proceso no contamina a gran escala ya que al ser solo dos personas la cantidad de residuo expulsado al espacio es diminuta en comparación a este).

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


First aid, survival, training and instruction regarding physical exercises, relaxation and meditation.


Original Text:

Primeros auxilios, supervivencia, formación e instrucción respecto a ejercicios físicos, relajación y meditación.

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