2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?
Close to the lunar poles
2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?
We will build our moon to the South Pole to take an advantage of sunlight present about 90% pre lunation. Indeed, we will be able to convert solar energy to electricity to supply our base and the rovers. By placing our greenhouse direct to the solar for long surviving.
Temperature fluctuation is correct and the surface allows us to find Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs).
In 2005 an earthquake happened so luckily, our location base was safe. The lunar regolith also contains high amount of oxygen. So the South Pole is for us the best location to exploit resources on the surface.
2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.
Our first rover will be sent to small mountain to dig for vital resources to set the installation of the vital space in its inside. Moreover the dug regolith will be execrated, recover and used to cover the rest of the base.
At this point, 4fold-out air supported structure modules will be delivered. Astronauts abroad the NASA will reach the base location during a series of mission to connect the structures together with the tunnel connector and install important systems (previously transferred from the Gateways as mission progress by using Chinese Large Logistic Landers (CL3)). These same astronauts will also be undeniably really important from the station by following and controlling a big part of rover installation.
A 3-D printing rover will also be sent abroad the future Heracle lander. This rover will convert the mountain exracted regolith combined with urine into a 3-D printable solid material in order to print a protective layer on the base structure.
We assume for now, no insufficient powerful robotic arm rover has been designed to install in our green house, but its feasibility is totally assured in coming years.
Our ice extractor rover SALLY will land and start ibis extraction process to prepare the arrival of astronauts.
Once the camp is fully operational after taking off with the crew abroad, the astronauts will land at the base and start the mission.