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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

“Team Star Lyra”

Ceip Juan Carlos I  Torredelcampo-Jaén    Spain 11, 10   0 / 2 Español

External URL to the team’s project (e.g. website or PDF):

Youtube Video Link:

1.1 – Project Description


Our curiosity about the universe has reached such a point that we have entered an aerospace contest where we discovered how fun it was to design in 3D with tinkercad.

“Team Star Lyra” is an adventure in which a boy and two girls want to discover more of the universe and see how far they can go.

In our Lunar house, we have put a gym, a greenhouse, a living room, a laboratory, an antenna to communicate, a swimming pool to have fun and protect us from the sun’s rays, a Lunar vehicle and, in addition, it is underground to protect us from meteorites and other lunar hazards.


Original text:

Nuestra curiosidad por el universo ha llegado hasta tal punto que nos hemos presentado a un concurso aeroespacial donde descubrimos lo divertido que era diseñar en 3D con tinkercad.

El “Team Star Lyra” es una aventura en que un niño y dos niñas quieren descubrir más cosas del universo y ver hasta dónde son capaces de llegar. 

En nuestra casa Lunar, hemos puesto un gimnasio, un invernaderos, una sala de estar, un laboratorio, una antena para comunicarnos, piscina para pasarlo bien y protegernos de los rayos solares, un vehículo Lunar y, además, está bajo tierra para resguardarnos de los meteoritos y otros peligros lunares.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


Two specialized, intelligent and intrepid astronauts go to the Moon to explore space and live adventures on our satellite. Their missions will be many and very important for life on earth “to discover new materials, water, minerals, etc”


Original Text:

A la Luna van dos astronautas especializados, inteligentes e intrépidos para explorar el espacio y vivir aventuras en nuestro satélite. Sus misiones serán muchas y muy importantes para la vida en la tierra “descubrir nuevos materiales, agua, minerales, etc”

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


We are going to build our solar panels and greenhouses near the poles, meanwhile, our Lunar house will be in the old craters. We have chosen it because of its better temperature and its luminosity in the case of the lunar poles.

The “Team Star Lyra” are determined to try to live on the Moon for at least a year, since the house is located underground, that is, in the subsoil, as close to the mantle as possible and we want to be very sure of the meteorites and dangerous radiation.


Original Text:

Vamos a construir nuestras placas solares e invernaderos cerca de los polos mientras tanto, nuestra casa Lunar estará en los antiguos cráteres. Lo hemos elegido debido a su mejor temperatura y su luminosidad en el caso de los polos lunares.

Los “Team Star Lyra” están decididos a intentar vivir en la Luna, por lo menos un año, ya que la casa está situada bajo tierra, es decir, en el subsuelo, lo más cerca del manto posible y queremos estar bien seguros de los meteoritos y las peligrosas radiaciones.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


The lunar capsule will be made of a lightweight material that is easy to transport, such as polyethylene. In addition, the first missions will install a large 3D printer to print the necessary parts for the survival of the astronauts. We will investigate how to extract water from lunar rocks or from the subsoil. We will also try to use rocks from the satellite to build part of our facilities.


Original Text:

La cápsula lunar será de un material ligero y que sea fácil de transportar como el polietileno. Además las primeras misiones instalarán una impresora en 3D de gran tamaño para imprimir las piezas necesarias para la supervivencia de los astronautas. Investigaremos cómo extraer agua de las rocas lunares o del subsuelo. Además intentaremos utilizar rocas del satélite para construir parte de nuestras instalaciones.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


Our house is made of polyethylene, the material plastic bags are made of or bulletproof vests are made of, and serves to protect us from dangerous meteorites and ultraviolet rays.

It is not necessary to put windows since we can get burned by the sun’s rays and lose the little oxygen we have. A good idea could be to build a pool because of the high temperature of the Moon and because we will have a good time, great!


Original Text:

Nuestra casa está hecha de polietileno del material del que están hechas las bolsas de plástico o del que están creados los chalecos antibalas y sirve para protegernos de los peligrosos meteoritos y de los rayos ultravioleta .

No es necesario poner ventanas ya que nos podemos quemar con rayos del Sol y perder el escaso oxígeno de que disponemos. Una buena idea puede ser construir una piscina por la elevada temperatura de la Luna y porque lo pasaremos, ¡genial!

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


What our brave astronauts need is water, oxygen and a lot of strength, so they must train hard before the trip and once they are installed there. They will also have a greenhouse with which to obtain oxygen, thanks to the photosynthesis of the plants, and food. Water can be found on the very surface of the Moon, the regolith. We will investigate how to extract it quickly and safely. The energy necessary for the survival of astronauts that we obtain from powerful solar panels with batteries to store it


Original Text:

Lo que necesitan nuestros valientes astronautas es agua, oxígeno y mucha fuerza por eso deben entrenar duro antes del viaje y una vez estén instalados allí. También dispondrán de un invernadero con el que obtener oxígeno, gracias a la fotosíntesis de las plantas, y alimentos. El agua nos la podemos encontrar en la misma superficie de la Luna, el regolito. Investigaremos la forma de poder extraerla de forma rápida y segura. La energía necesaria para la supervivencia de los astronautas que la obtenemos de potentes placas solares con baterías para almacenarla

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


Before going to the Moon, astronauts would have to exercise a lot by training in swimming pools and weightlessness simulators, eat healthy and, in my opinion, they would not have to carry many things on the rocket, or at least very light things that take up space. little space.

They could carry materials in the rocket and on the Moon build heavier things since having so much fuel, we could not carry too much load.

The intrepid astronauts would have to study a lot since they have to know the Moon very well and understand how difficult it is to live there and its dangers.

Given this we already know how to live on the Moon. 🙂


Original Text:

Antes de ir a la Luna los astronautas tendrían que hacer mucho ejercicio entrenando en piscinas y simuladores de ingravidez, comer sano y, en mi opinión, no tendrían que llevar muchas cosas en el cohete o, por lo menos, cosas muy ligeras y que ocupen poco espacio.

Podrían llevar materiales en el cohete y en la Luna construir cosas más pesadas ya que al tener tanto combustible, no podríamos llevar demasiada carga.

Los intrépidos astronautas tendrían que estudiar mucho puesto que tienen que conocer muy bien la Luna y comprender lo difícil que es vivir allí y sus peligros.

Dado esto ya sabemos como vivir en la Luna. 🙂