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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

F&D Group


1.1 – Project Description


The 3D design project consists of different structures: buildings, tunnels, batteries and solar panels, fuel and gas tanks, a rocket, a rover, etc. It is based on the near future (about the year 2100) in which space exploration is still stagnant and many years pass between each mission sent to the earth’s satellite. When no lunar base has yet been established (that is known), the F&D company, which is dedicated to manufacturing industrial 3D printers (business of the future), decides to send its own private mission, thus establishing the first fixed lunar base in history (3D printed of course).


Original Text:

El proyecto de diseño 3D consta de diferentes estructuras: edificios, túneles, baterías y placas solares, tanques de combustible y gases, un cohete, un rover, etc. Está basado en un futuro cercano (sobre el año 2100) en el que la exploración espacial está aún estancada y pasan bastantes años entre cada misión que se envía al satélite terrestre. Cuando todavía no se ha establecido ninguna base lunar (que se sepa), la empresa F&D, que se dedica a fabricar impresoras 3D industriales (negocio del futuro), decide enviar su propia misión privada, estableciendo así la primera base lunar fija de la historia (impresa en 3D, por supuesto).

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


The main objectives of the base are the collection, research and subsequent exploitation of new materials found on the moon. Although for the collection and investigation a base is not needed, for the exploitation yes, for that reason a camp is built.


Original Text:

Los principales objetivos de la base son la recolección, investigación y explotación posterior de nuevos materiales, encontrados en la luna. Aunque para la recolección e investigación no se necesita una base, para la explotación sí, por eso se construye un campamento.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

sea of serenity

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


Because it is very flat, which saves flattening the land, allows the camp to be expanded in the future, facilitates transportation, etc.; and it is composed mostly of soft rock, easy to excavate for underground structures and excavations for the exploitation of materials.


Original Text:

Porque es muy plano, lo que ahorra aplanar el terreno, permite expandir el campamento en un futuro, facilita el transporte, etc; y se compone  mayormente de roca blanda, fácil de excavar para las estructuras subterráneas y excavaciones para la explotación de materiales.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


The camp would be dispatched in phases with different rockets. Parts such as the bunker or the tunnels will be reinforced with abundant rocks but an excess of material will not be spent since the vast majority of what is obtained will be sent to the ground. The exterior will be made entirely of stainless steel, as it would be 3D printed.


Original Text:

El campamento se enviaría en fases con diferentes cohetes. Partes como el búnker o los túneles serán reforzadas con rocas abundantes pero no se gastará un exceso de material ya que la gran mayoría de lo obtenido será enviado a la tierra. El exterior se compondrá en su totalidad de acero inoxidable, ya que sería impreso en 3D.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


Being made of a conductive metal, with respect to the temperature, the heat of the sun’s rays will be maintained by itself, resorting to the electric heating system if necessary. The compression chambers present in different parts of the base isolate from all possible danger (leaks, temperature, weather, and even noise) and there is a complex alarm system designed to detect any problem, with even a bunker with
direct access to a launch rocket for emergencies that may damage the structure.


Original Text:

Al estar hecho de un metal conductor, con respecto a la temperatura se mantendrá el calor de los rayos de sol por sí solo, recurriendo al sistema de calefacción eléctrico en caso de necesidad. Las cámaras de compresión presentes en diferentes partes de la base aíslan de todo peligro posible (fugas, temperatura, clima, e incluso de ruido) y hay un complejo sistema de alarmas diseñado para detectar cualquier problema, con incluso un búnker conacceso directo a un cohete de salida para las emergencias que puedan dañar la estructura.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


For this, apart from having tanks, warehouses and batteries for non-renewable goods, the base also has an orchard that replenishes food, water and oxygen, with its corresponding redistribution system; together with solar panels and manual generators and wind turbines for electricity supply.


Original Text:

Para ello, aparte de contar con tanques, almacenes y baterías para los bienes no renovables, la base también cuenta con un huerto que repone de alimentos, agua y oxígeno, con su correspondiente sistema de redistribución; junto con placas solares y generadores manuales y aerogeneradores para el abastecimiento eléctrico.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


It would include a structural and use study of the base and its elements, especially those that can help in an emergency (bunker, compression chambers, etc.) along with the safest ways to perform their functions and how to secure everything.


Original Text:

Incluiría un estudio estructural y de uso de la base y sus elementos, especialmente los que pueden ayudar en una emergencia (búnker, cámaras de compresión, etc) junto con las formas más seguras de desempeñar sus funciones y la forma de asegurarlo todo.