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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


Experimental School of the university of Thessaloniki-Primary  Thessaloniki-Central Macedonia    Greece 11   0 / 0 English

1.1 – Project Description

The space base on the Moon consists of various parts, accommodation for the astronauts, scientific research facilities, laboratories, control centers, refueling, and food stations as well as entertainment areas.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

The program aims to create a base on the Moon that will serve as a base for future space exploration and perhaps for future human settlement from Earth.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Preferably in a plain valley.

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

I chose an area that would be flat, where the facilities would be easy to build and would be easily accessible.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

The Moon has dust and rocks which we will use to build the space base. We will need to transport vehicles and machines from Earth. Some constructions will be made using 3D printers. Also from Earth, we will have to transport food and consumables and regular resupply missions from Earth.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

The space base was chosen to be built on a plain, flat area so that dangers are quickly visible without the presence of dangerous elements (stones, rocks, lava, etc.) in the first place. There are air conditioners at the base to maintain a constant temperature, leaving adverse conditions outside the base for the astronauts. The basement where the accommodations are located is made of material resistant to radiation and meteorites.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

There are the water pump and food production systems (there will of course be a regular supply from Earth.) to ensure the survival of the astronauts. There are special areas for processing and storing waste and other waste. For oxygen, we have installed tanks. They will have energy from solar panels.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

a-Training in the use of technology
b-Training in the use of space equipment
c-Emergency response training
d-Training in lunar science, including geology, atmosphere, and surface conditions, in order to better understand the environment in which they will work
e-Training in proper nutrition and exercise in space
g- Psychological support from specialist psychologists