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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


Experimental School of the university of Thessaloniki-Primary  Thessaloniki-Central Macedonia    Greece 11   0 / 0 English

1.1 – Project Description

Our space base on the Moon will have 4 important rooms the control room the power generation room the kitchen and the dormitories. It will have three missiles for us to use in case of need plus the two water tanks and power panels.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

Our astronauts wish to visit the Moon because they want to make some more special discoveries and take advantage of the things it might hide in its unexplored parts.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar equator

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

We are also thinking of building the lunar base near the moon’s equator because it is the center of the moon and we will be close to the poles as well.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

We are also thinking of making our lunar base a circular shape, that is, all four rooms will be built in a circle because it takes up less space and is easier to adapt, it will be made of special copper which will not let the enormous radiation of the sun through inside and burn the astronauts. We will also use the same copper to make a big box where we throw the waste in there and within a few seconds it will have been burned by the sun’s radiation. We will also use its little gravity to make repairs easier and to transport with some special machines that will be able to use it.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

Our lunar base will have for protection a cloud very transparent that will not be seen but will be able to repel small comets very easily and provide the right temperature for the people living there.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

The astronauts will not be able to live like us without food so we will offer them frozen food where once they open it, it will slowly return to normal temperature. Inside the tanks.
For water, we will have two special machines which will take the necessary oxygen and hydrogen molecules and create water because we will not be able to send the water very easily but we certainly have as many liters of water in bottles from the earth. Also inside the dome, we will have an oxygen purifier which will clean the air and make a sustainable area.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

Of course, in order to bring people from Earth to the Moon, we should also have prepared their proper training so that they can withstand areas with minimal gravity where they can suffer great damage. For this, we will include many useful tools to get their training right.