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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


IES Clara Campoamor Rodriguez  ZARAGOZA-ZARAGOZA    Spain 13   0 / 2 English

1.1 – Project Description

Our mooncamp is found underground, although it is situated in a zone called CR1, where there are 320 consecutive light days. This is to improve the energy, besides the greenhouse needs light.

There will be six astronauts. All of them will have basic knowledge about all the terms that affect in the trip. But there will be one specialist in each part.

The camp will have different resistant capsules, these ones will be the rooms. There will be the principal capsule and three more. To be able to have the camp underground, we will have to bring an excavator, this way the capsules will be there.

The astronauts will live in the spacecraft while the camp is being built. They will start to cultivate food in the greenhouse and while that, they will eat food that we will bring from the Earth. 

We will use a greenhouse in which we will plant vegetables. They will start to cultivate the food, and meanwhile, they will eat food that we will bring from the Earth. 

Finally, we will have a machine in which we will extract water from the lunar soil. Moreover we will reuse all the water that can be possible. 

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

During history, Spaniards have been responsible of many of the most important discoveries, like the discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus. The trip was made looking for a new route to India and he finally discovered a new continent.

We think that the moon can be the first step to exploring space, for example, finding new planets and traveling to them.

The moon could be a starting point to explore other planets, because the moon doesn’t have an atmosphere so the blast-off will become much more easier and economic than from the Earth.

Furthermore, we could find raw materials, so we’ll can use them to improve life on Earth. Moreover, if we investigate how we could live on the Moon, given that we can plant food and take oxygen from it, we could see if one day we will be able to live there.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We are going to build our moon camp in CR1, A zone placed in the crest that connects the craters Shackleton and de Gerlache.

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

We are going to build our moon camp in CR1 because it is one of the light islands on the moon.

A light island is a zone where there is light during a lot of continuous time. In CR1 there is light for 320 days without stopping.

It is a zone placed in the crest that connects the craters Shackleton and Gerlache. Moreover it is a place with constant temperature because it is in the south pole. An advantage of having so much light is that we can use solar panels and use that energy to heat up the place.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

The moon camp will be underground, this way we will be able to take advantage of the lunar soil as protection. Also, in this way it will be easier to regulate the temperature, given that the atmosphere won’t affect so much, because underground there isn’t wind and there isn’t illumination.

The spacecraft will be the principal part. It will be covered with solar panels, to take advantage of the energy. Under the spacecraft, that will be underground, the door for access at the moon camp will be found. For that, we will need a bulldozer. Underground, there will be the kiwi capsules. There will be the principal capsule. There, there will be the kitchen and the living room, also there will be the first aid kit. The other three capsules will be the laboratory, the gym and the bedroom, it will be in the same capsule as the bathroom. 

When the astronauts will arrive at the moon, while the moon camp is being built they will live on the spacecraft. In the spacecraft will be the door to access to the principal capsule, because it is on it. From the principal capsule, there will be access to the other capsules. 

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

Our moon camp is underground, so we will take advantage of the moon soil, which will protect the camp of any stone or meteor that could fall there and damage the camp.

Moreover, in the camp there will be four different resistant capsules. There will be the principal and three more. The principal one will be the one that you can enter through the spaceship. From this capsule, there will be some tunnels in which there will be the access to the other capsules. This one will be the kitchen, the dining room and the medicine cabinet. The rest of the capsules will be: The bedroom and the bathroom, another that will be the laboratory and the gym, and the last one will be a store.

On the capsule will be the spacecraft. This one will be on the surface, on the moon camp. The spacecraft will be covered by solar panels, so they will make the most of their use of the energy. We will regulate the temperature sealing the camp hermetically. This means that the heat may enter but it won’t leave.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

For the water we will use an excavating machine, we will use the rocket’s motor. They will excavate the solid water of the moon floor and melt it at the same time to save energy, then it will be purified to make it potable and accumulate in a water tank underground connected to the camp. The largest reserves of ice are ubicated in the south lunar pole.

For the food, we will have a greenhouse where we will cultivate food, because we will take seeds. Moreover there are going to be mushrooms that will fertilize the soil to cultivate, because the seeds from the Earth don’t work in the lunar soil the same way as the Earth. We will take dehydrated food or in cans, to vary the food and eat it until the food that we cultivate is ready to eat. The plants will create the oxygen.

For the energy, we will go to the place CR1, which has 320 days of consecutive light per year. So this way we can use the greenhouse effect with solar panels. All the energy that we will need will be obtained thanks to the solar panels.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

There will be six astronauts. All of them must have a scientific career, and also knowledge about technology, telecommunications, engineering, and botany. They all must have to know basic things about first aid. Each astronaut will have a specialty (or more), so everyone will have an assigned work.

There will be a doctor, so he will heal the diseases that the astronauts might have. Also he will control the diet of the astronauts, so he must have knowledge about nutrition.

Also there will be a biologist. He will be the one that will control the greenhouse and the food. 

There also will be a mathematician and an engineer, they will control the building of the camp. 

There will be an expert in computers and telecommunications.

Finally, there will be an astronomer and a physicist. They will control the solar panels and the temperature in the camp. 

Besides all their specialties, they must have a great physic and psychological capacity. There will be a training program for the astronauts, this will be to be able to go to the moon taking care of its gravity, and also the turbulences that could be in the spacecraft.