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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Estación Espacial Agata 36

I.E.S Luis Bueno Crespo  Armilla-Andalucía    Spain 13   0 / English

1.1 – Project Description


What you want to achieve with this project is to design an innovative space station that includes vital things such as: survival, leisure and research and good health.


Original Text:

Lo que se quiere conseguir con este proyecto es diseñar una estación espacial innovadora y que incluya las cosas vitales  como por ejemplo: la supervivencia , el ocio y la investigación y una buena salud.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


He wants it to be able to have more ease when it comes to researching the universe, to be able to have ease in survival, in energy and feel more calm in spending time there.


Original Text:

Lo quiere para poder tener más facilidad a la hora de investigar sobre el universo , poder tener facilidades en la supervivencia , en energía y sentirse más tranquilo en pasar tiempo allí.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar equator

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


I would say on the equator because it is easier to use solar energy and to build, but indoors it would also be interesting because seismic reactions would be less.


Original Text:

Yo diría que en el ecuador porque  se tiene más facilidad al usar la energía solar  y al construir pero en los interiores también sería interesante porque las reacciones sísmicas serían menores.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


I plan to build it in an elongated place (if possible flat) and with materials that adapt to the environment and with a complex and futuristic structure. I would use the lunar materials first to investigate them and see what properties they have and I would need to bring metals, wood from Earth ,copper..


Original Text:

Pienso construirlo  en un lugar alargado (si es posible plano) y con materiales que se adapten al medio  y con una estructura compleja y futurista.Los materiales lunares los utilizaría primero para investigarlos y ver qué propiedades tienen y necesitaría traer de la Tierra metales,madera ,cobre..

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


Safely and with a good organization, that is, that each task has its room, a good water and oxygen conduit and that the materials from which it is built are resistant.


Original Text:

Con seguridad  y con una buena organización, es decir, que cada tarea tenga su sala , un buen conducto de agua y oxígeno y que los materiales de lo que está construida sean resistentes.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


That at the beginning he would take food and resources for a long time and grow and store his resources in cabins and also a training course at the beginning on food and its storage


Original text:

Que al principio se llevase comida y recursos para mucho tiempo y va cultivando y almacenando sus recursos en cabinas y también un curso formativo al principio sobre los alimentos y su almacenaje

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


Physical exercises: swimming, athletics, weight lifting, exercises on the floor and core strengthening exercises.
Learn about agriculture.
The dangers of the Moon.
Cleaning, picking up waste, cleaning the walls and well-regulated rest and sleep.
What to do in case there is a problem such as running out of food or catastrophes.
Where would you have to stay?
What explanation has each object.


Original Text:

Ejercicios físicos: natación, atletismo, levantamiento de pesas, ejercicios en el suelo y ejercicios de fortalecimiento de tronco.
Aprender sobre agricultura.
Los peligros de la Luna.
Limpieza, recoger residuos,limpiar las paredes y el descanso y el sueño bien regulado.
Lo que se tiene que hacer en caso por si hay un problema como que se te acabe la comida  o catástrofes .
Donde se tendría que alojar.
Qué explicación tiene cada objeto.