4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?
An astronaut training program should aim to ensure astronauts safety, high expertise in a variety of sectors, as well as, readiness in crisis situations. The duration should be at least a year long, except for the expertise level of knowledge that depends on the previous years of education and work experience.
For each mission, the astronaut team should consist of members, with expertise each in at least one of the sectors of engineering, science, mathematics, technology, robotics, biology and medicine. They should be submitted in psychometric tests for their psychometric profile.
They should have an expert knowledge of the space program protocols from all the agencies involved in the mission, by the time it takes place. They should have a pilot’s license and be subjected to several hours of high-G training with different types of aircrafts (SpaceX, Boeing, Soyuz). While on Earth, they should take a strict fitness training and participate in simulations about gravity handling, spacewalks, moonwalks, remote robotic system handling, take-off and landing, as well as spacecraft docking. Before their first lunar mission, they should have visited the International Space Station, live there, perform experiments and face the actual difficulties and challenges that space might be lurking.