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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Aaron’s Moon Rover Project.

Bishops Blue Coat High School, Chester  Chester-U.K    United Kingdom 13   0 / 0 English

1.1 – Project Description

Our Group,

  • Location: The Moon Camp will be located near the poles of the moon. This location offers a number of advantages, including proximity to water ice, sunlight, and reduced radiation exposure.
  • Size: The Moon Camp will be a small, self-contained community that can support up to 10 people. It will include living quarters, a research laboratory, a power plant, and a communications center.
  • Construction: The Moon Camp will be constructed using materials that are available on the moon, such as water ice, regolith, and helium-3.
  • Purpose: The Moon Camp will serve as a base for exploring the moon and conducting scientific research. It will also be a symbol of human ingenuity and our ability to overcome challenges.

I believe that the Moon Camp is a bold and ambitious project, but I am confident that it is achievable. I am excited to be a part of this journey, and I am committed to making it a reality.

Here are some additional details about the Moon Camp project:

  • Living quarters: The living quarters will provide astronauts with a comfortable and safe place to live. They will include bedrooms, bathrooms, a kitchen, and a common area.
  • Research laboratory: The research laboratory will be equipped with the latest scientific equipment. It will be used to conduct experiments on a variety of topics, including geology, astronomy, and biology.
  • Power plant: The power plant will generate electricity for the Moon Camp. It will use a combination of solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy.
  • Communications center: The communications center will allow astronauts to communicate with Earth. It will also be used to send and receive data from the Moon.

I believe that the Moon Camp is a valuable project that will benefit humanity in many ways. It will help us to learn more about the moon, it will inspire the next generation, and it will pave the way for future missions to Mars and beyond.


Experts from Aaron Aerospace of Aaron Enterprises Inc.

Created this project as a tool to inspire the world with a Moon rover (Automated Moon Rover)

We a lonely group with just 1 student,.

Created this 3D rover from Autodesk’s Best product for students Tinkercad.

Our Rover consists of many parts and software A.I systems run by both Googles Bard and Open A.I’s Chat Gpt4.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

To explore a new world. The Moon is a unique and fascinating place. It is the only other celestial body that humans have ever set foot on. There is still so much that we don’t know about the Moon, and I want to be a part of the team that discovers it.
To learn more about our solar system. The Moon can give us valuable insights into the formation and evolution of our solar system. By studying the Moon, we can learn more about the early history of the Earth and other planets.
To inspire the next generation. I want to inspire young people to follow their dreams and to reach for the stars. I want them to see that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
To leave a legacy. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself. I want to build something that will last for generations to come.

I believe that building a Moon Camp is a bold and ambitious goal, but I am confident that it is achievable. I am excited to be a part of this journey, and I am committed to making it a reality.

Our astronaut wants to go on the moon as he/she would be the 13th ever astronaut to be on the moon after the Apollo mission.

And wants to explore our moon’s future considering that there are possibilities that the moon could look like Mars after thousands of year as the metal iron (Fe) is found on the moon and also cause water(H2O) in the form of ice is found in the surface of the moon, the oxygen from the earth’s atmospheres escapes and moves to the moon which produces rust, which made mars orange in color.

Our Astronaut wants to be the longest astronaut to stay in moon and wants to be the astronaut who has been to the moon from a country other then the U.S.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?

  • Proximity to water ice. Scientists have found evidence of water ice in permanently shadowed craters near the poles of the moon. This water ice could be used to provide water for drinking, cooking, and bathing, as well as for generating oxygen and hydrogen for rocket fuel.
  • Proximity to sunlight. The poles of the moon receive sunlight for longer periods of time than the equator. This means that solar panels could be used to generate electricity for the moon camp even during the lunar night.
  • Reduced radiation exposure. The poles of the moon are located in areas where the Earth’s magnetic field provides some protection from radiation. This means that astronauts would be exposed to less radiation at the poles than they would at the equator.
  • Reduced temperature swings. The poles of the moon experience less extreme temperature swings than the equator. This means that the moon camp would be more comfortable to live in and would require less energy to maintain.

Overall, I believe that the poles of the moon are the best location for a moon camp. They offer a number of advantages that make them ideal for long-term human habitation.

We close this location as the places close to the poles contain the most number of craters, more the craters, more the possibility of ice (H2O)

And our rover is going to find and recover loads of samples of ice and moon soil from the poles.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

One of the most important resources on the moon is water. Water is essential for life, and it can also be used to generate electricity and produce oxygen. We can find water ice on the moon in permanently shadowed craters. We can use robots to drill down to these craters and extract the water ice.

Another important resource on the moon is regolith. Regolith is the loose, dusty material that covers the moon’s surface. It’s made up of small pieces of rock, glass, and metal. We can use regolith to build shelters, roads, and other structures. We can also use it to produce building materials, such as bricks and concrete.

In addition to water and regolith, the moon also has other resources that we can use. These include:

  • Helium-3: Helium-3 is a rare isotope of helium that is found in abundance on the moon. It can be used to produce fusion power, which is a clean and efficient source of energy.
  • Solar energy: The moon receives a lot of sunlight. We can use solar panels to collect this sunlight and generate electricity.
  • Lunar gravity: The moon’s gravity is about one-sixth of Earth’s gravity. This makes it easier to launch rockets from the moon and to build structures that are not as heavy as they would be on Earth.

I think we can use these resources to build a sustainable and self-sufficient moon camp. The moon camp would be a place where people could live and work for extended periods of time. It would be a base for exploring the moon and for conducting scientific research. It would also be a symbol of human ingenuity and our ability to overcome challenges.

I know it’s a big dream, but I think it’s possible. I’m going to keep studying the moon and learning about its resources. I’m also going to keep working hard in school so that I can be a part of the team that builds the first moon camp.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

The Moon’s environment is harsh and dangerous, so the Moon Camp must be designed to protect astronauts from a variety of hazards. These hazards include:

Radiation: The Moon is bombarded with radiation from the sun and other sources. This radiation can be harmful to human health, so the Moon Camp must be shielded from radiation.
Extreme temperatures: The Moon’s surface can reach temperatures of up to 260 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and it can drop to -280 degrees Fahrenheit at night. The Moon Camp must be able to withstand these extreme temperatures.
Micrometeoroids: The Moon is constantly bombarded with micrometeoroids, which are small pieces of rock and metal. These micrometeoroids can damage the Moon Camp and pose a hazard to astronauts.
Vacuum: The Moon has no atmosphere, so the Moon Camp must be pressurized to provide astronauts with a breathable atmosphere.

The Moon Camp will be designed to protect astronauts from these hazards using a variety of methods. These methods include:

Radiation shielding: The Moon Camp will be shielded from radiation using a variety of materials, such as lead and water.
Temperature control: The Moon Camp will use a variety of methods to control temperature, such as insulation and air conditioning.
Micrometeoroid shielding: The Moon Camp will be shielded from micrometeoroids using a variety of materials, such as Whipple shields and ablative materials.
Atmospheric pressure: The Moon Camp will be pressurized to provide astronauts with a breathable atmosphere.

The Moon Camp will be a complex and challenging project, but it is possible to design a Moon Camp that can protect astronauts from the Moon’s harsh environment.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

Here are some of the ways that my Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air, and power:


Water ice is abundant on the Moon, and it can be extracted from permanently shadowed craters.
Water can also be generated from hydrogen and oxygen, which can be extracted from the Moon’s regolith.
Water can also be recycled from urine and other waste products.


Food can be grown in hydroponic farms using water, sunlight, and nutrients.
Food can also be brought from Earth, but this would be expensive and impractical for long-term missions.


Air can be recycled from the Moon’s atmosphere, which is very thin but not completely devoid of oxygen.
Air can also be generated from water using electrolysis.


Power can be generated from solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy.
Power can also be stored in batteries for use during periods of darkness or low energy production.

I believe that these methods will allow my Moon Camp to provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air, and power. This will allow astronauts to live and work on the Moon for extended periods of time without relying on resupply missions from Earth.

In addition to these methods, I also believe that it is important to design the Moon Camp in a way that minimizes waste and maximizes efficiency. This will help to ensure that the Moon Camp is sustainable in the long term.

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

Here are some of the things that I would include in my astronaut training program to help prepare astronauts for a Moon mission:

Physical fitness: Astronauts must be in peak physical condition in order to withstand the rigors of spaceflight. They must be able to lift heavy objects, withstand high levels of G-force, and be able to perform strenuous physical activity in a confined space.
Medical training: Astronauts must be trained in a variety of medical procedures, including first aid, CPR, and how to treat a variety of medical emergencies. They must also be familiar with the symptoms of space-related illnesses, such as space sickness and decompression sickness.
Engineering training: Astronauts must be trained in a variety of engineering skills, such as how to repair spacecraft, how to operate scientific instruments, and how to build and maintain habitats.
Psychological training: Astronauts must be able to cope with the isolation and loneliness of spaceflight. They must also be able to handle the stress of working in a dangerous and unpredictable environment.
Spacecraft training: Astronauts must be trained on the specific spacecraft that they will be flying on. This training includes learning how to operate the spacecraft’s systems, how to perform emergency procedures, and how to dock with the International Space Station.
Lunar surface training: Astronauts must be trained on how to operate in the lunar environment. This training includes learning how to walk on the Moon, how to use lunar rovers, and how to collect samples.
Scientific training: Astronauts must be trained in a variety of scientific disciplines, such as geology, astronomy, and biology. This training will allow them to conduct scientific research on the Moon.

I believe that this training program will prepare astronauts for the challenges of a Moon mission. It will give them the physical, mental, and technical skills that they need to succeed.

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