
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Brave Voyagers

Scoala Gimnaziala “Mihai Eminescu” Dej  Dej    Romania

External link for 3d

Project description

Many researchers think that conditions on Earth are rather difficult as pollution, global warming and continuous growth of population became uncontrollable. They are interested in investing the conditions on Mars, Venus and  Moon in order to establish which of them may be colonized. Our team studied all the information about the Moon, made a plan of research and now is ready to go there for five years. We intend to establish on the Moon hoping that one day it will be our new home and we’ll be able to continue our researchers from there.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

It is the best place to live for a long time because we can find water ice there, in the craters of the soil. Furthermore, we intend to bring our families to join us  in the future so we must communicate as frequently as we can. The poles of the Moon are the best places for communications, without any additional satellites. And the last but not the least reason is that there is a constant energy from the Sun that is perfect for the living of humans, plants and for the function of the power plant.


We’ll need a lot of water for our daily activities and water supplies brought from the Earth won’t be enough. So we must extract water ice, melt, filter and use it. We’ll extract the ice using an excavator, melt it in sealed pressurized containers and treat it with performing water purifying systems.

We must carry a large amount of food from the Earth: frozen vegetables, fruits, fishes and a lot of tinned food. But we’ll also get roots and seeds of vegetables on the Moon that we intend to plant in the greenhouse. The plants will give us in time fresh food and vitamins.

The main source of energy will be the Sun. We will build a power plant containing many solar panels, extending on a surface of about 4 000 m2 . This power plant will provide energy for all our devices, robots, machines and apparatus used inside or outside the camp. Before building the power plant we’ll use a radioisotope thermoelectric generator to produce the necessary energy. We’ll also use storage batteries for the land rover, the robots and the devices we use far away from the camp.

Oxygen is vital for breathing and we’ll need a lot of it so we’ll carry pressurized oxygen from the Earth. Then we’ll produce oxygen using electrolysers and the waste water we couldn’t clean enough to be reused. The quantity of the oxygen produced by electrolysis is still very small. By building a large greenhouse and planting as much vegetables as we can, we hope that we’ll solve the problem and that plants will produce enough oxygen by photosynthesis.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

Our camp will be build above the soil and will extend on a surface of 5 000 m2 . The buildings are close on each other and linked with titan tunnels. There is a central building of 100 m2  where we live, a greenhouse of 800 m2 and a power plant with a few solar panels on the roof, of another 100 m2. There is also a shelter  for our rocket of 100 m2, showing as a blunted con. Underground there is a cylyndrical building with separate tanks for water, oxygen, wastewater and garbage. Down there are also the systems for treating the wastewater and those for recycling and processing the domestic garbage. All our constructions are made or regolith, titan (for roofs and tunnels), glass (for the greenhouse and windows) and steel. We intend to use a 3D printer and the dust of regolith as main materials of construction so we can make a lot of bricks The main building has a large bedroom, a bathroom, a gym room, a living room, a kitchen and a store for the food. The power pland has also a laboratory, a central control room and a store for devices, apparatus and machines. The blunted conical garage has an automatic roof that opens when the rocket must be launched. On the roof of the power plant there are just a few solar panels, most of them being spread around the camp, on a surface of  about 3 900 m2.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

We must build thick walls and roofs that will protect us both against meteorites and radiations. It is possible to make them as thick as we want as long as we can find regolith everywhere. The tunnels which connect the buildings will be made of titan because it is a very resisting material and are lined inside by polyethylene . The tunnels  allow us to go from one building to another  protected, without putting our costumes. We try to go outside for short periods of time, only when we must do some researches, because we know how dangerous radiations are. The greenhouse and the plants inside are extremely important for the food and oxygen produced and we must protect them very well. The roof of the greenhouse is double and combine squared areas of lead and glass placed on a steel structure as a chess table. The glass will allow the sun rays to enter inside the greenhouse and the lead will absorb radiations and will make shadowed areas over the plants, protecting them when the sun is too bright.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Our team consists of 4 astronauts. They can do the whole work in the camp because all of them have abilities and knowledges in different areas. One of them is the manager, the other is a doctor and the others are workers.

The doctor has to wake up early every morning. He goes to the bathroom, take a shower and then gymnastic exercises. He must check the health conditions of the others daily  so he meets them and measure their temperature and blood pressure. He writes down the results of all the measurements. Than he goes to the kitchen and prepare the breakfast. They all have breakfast and then go to work. The doctor wash the dishes and elaborate the gym programme for all of them. Then he establishes the menu and he cooks. At noon he meets the others in the kitchen, have lunch and chat about their work and the problems they solved. He rests for an hour and goes to the greenhouse with one of the workers. They check the crops and gather the necessary vegetables and leafs. They come back into the building and take off their costumes. The doctor goes into the kitchen, washes the vegetables and store them in the fridge.Then he goes in the living and searches in the books new recepies for the future meals. In the evening he goes back in the kitchen, prepare dinner and eat with the others. At last, he has a bath and goes to bed.

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