
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Lasse & Rahui

ISS Sindelfingen  Sindelfingen    Germany

External link for 3d

Project description

Our moon camp will be located on top of the Malapert mountain. It is one of the sunniest places on the moon (near Cabus and Haworth ice fields) – this means we can make a solar-field to harvest energy. It is also near the ice, which means you could harvest ice for water. We have a moon camp that has a research lab, a control room, a dynamo room/machine room, a greenhouse, a kitchen, a gym, bathrooms, storage, and two-bedrooms. The moon camp is built mostly farther than two meters underground the be safe from asteroids and radiation. Two meters is a very good depth because it’s been proven that two meters keep radiation away this is why choose two build the base two meters underground. the moon camp is mostly provided to do experiments on how two grow plants in space and what kind of impact that has. Also, this camp should be the start of space living and also the base is to start rocket craft from space which would cost much less gasoline.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

The south pole on Malapert mountain

Why did you choose this location?

There are some natural resources on Malapert Mountain., such as ice regolith (lunar soil) and sunlight.

We choose this location because it is one of the sunniest places on the moon (near Cabus and Haworth ice fields) – this means we can make a solar-field to harvest energy. It is also near the ice, which means you could harvest ice for water. You can potentially have a better view of the surroundings, plus the stars, and for maximum communication range. It’s better if you have it because through the ice you could water also maybe humans can find out if there was ever life on the moon.


We would get water by melting the ice that is near our camp.

The way we could get food, we need a sealed greenhouse as there are no atmosphere and no air (H2o). We need sunlight and it goes to 14days and that is plenty of time for growing crops but some then, 14 days of night and out harvest won’t survive. We can use artificial light but that means you need more power. We can go to the lunar poles and there, the sun always shines. But the plants cant handle the amount of energy. But what we can do is that we could have something that could cover the sun. Maybe we can cover the sun every 2 days

We can get water by harvesting energy with the solar-field. Also, you can harvest energy by plants this is one of the newest investigations this would help very much

We can use nature. For 8m2 per person, we could use spirulina. We can also have plants although they need a bit more space than algae. Lunar soils also make air, which contains a lot of oxygen. But getting it out is the hard part. You need to heat up the soil filter out of the oxygen and store for somehow. But if you find a way, you could definitely breathe easy on the moon

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The Materials that we would need are metal that we could be made by the materials on the moon, solar-field This we have to import from earth because solar panels that would just be crazy to try to build a solar panel on the moon. We would also need glass for the windows and for other important things in the greenhouse.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

Our moon camp will protect the astronauts by having a strong cover which is made out of metal and the lunar soils can protect also them. Also, it is building two meters underground which means that it is shielded from radiation and from astroids this has been proven that two meters are

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The first thing would the astronauts will do in the morning after brushing their teeth and eat breakfast, they would check if everything is okay on or in their moon camp. For example, they would check if their solar system is all fine, and if the greenhouse is safe. They would then, harvest the food that we planted. They would research after checking if everything is fine, they would research more about the moon and communicate with NASA. They would then get dinner and get ready for bed.

Our best moon camp idea is Moon camp. We choose this moon camp because it is more useful and it has all the rooms that we need, for example, a research lab, a control room, a dynamo room/machine room, a greenhouse, a kitchen, a gym, bathrooms, storage, and two-bedrooms. We took a lot of time on this one designing it.

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