
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.


commonroom science group @odaada Verein für Kunst, Design und Kreativität  Vienna    Austria

External link for 3d

Project description

Our Moon Camp project is lead by Dr. Seda Özdemir-Fritz (Planetologist/Geologist-Austrian Space Forum: and focused the essential living facilities for the astronauts on the Moon. Firstly, our little challengers (astronauts) learned all about Moon and its features as well as how an astronaut can live on a planetary body. After theoretical part we started to apply our knowledge to our design with TinkerCad and create “basic” moon shelter.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

First of all, the moon temperature at the Lunar Poles is suitable for human survival (ranges from – 50 to 0 degrees Celsius similar to Earth poles). Another dangerous issues on Moon are meteorites and radiation derived from Sun. Therefore the camp is needed to settle underground for the best protection and the existence of lava tubes near the moon poles formed by lava eruptions billions years ago provide tunnels (about 300 m wide and approx 45 m deep) to build the underground camps. The lack of water is the other debate on the Moon and at the poles the ice water still exist and that can provide sufficient water to the camp easily. Finally, sun shine over the two poles of the moon uninterruptedly and can maintain sufficient energy by using solar panels.


The Moon camp has been placed on the pole in where the ice water is exist. We design a Regolith Processor to obtain water from those ice and regolith that were collected and transferred by our truck size rovers. The processor which has special heating systems (for water ice) and distinguisher (for regolith) to extract water from those. Finally after the process the water is transferred to the Water suppliers in where the water collected.

We design a green house to grow our own food. The upper part of the green house contains water suppliers and replacable batteries which are critically needed in plant chamber. The light for the photosynthesis (10 hrs in a day) of the plants is provided by special light sources and the water is given in needed amounts to the plant beds directly from water suppliers.

The poles where we placed our camp has continuous sunlight which we plan to use as our power source by using solar panels. Then collected energy is kept in replaceable batteries that are placed in various areas of the camps.

1- While we use the regolith processor on the water ice and regolith, we also use collect the oxygen and pump into living areas.
All outside openable cells are sealed with air locks.
2-We plan to use the oxygen derived from plants as well.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The protection shields has darkened glassy material, minimise the radiation, but same time very durable against small-mid size meteorites.
The protection shield for the the underground camp and its each cells has been provided as well.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

The Moon present lack of natural resources such as air (oxygen), water and power food which is crucial for human being. Our Moon Camp provide respective suppliers for each resource, such as regolith processors, green house, water suppliers, batteries, rovers. Besides that moon undergoes the extreme radiation from Sun and the air temperature is not well balanced minimum and maximum degrees are not suitable for unprotected life on Moon. Another notable danger is meteorite impacts. Therefore, we build the base mostly under the surface and for the rest parts which are needed to be on the surface of the Moon, the protection shields are implemented.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The daily timing will be same to the Earth. After waking up having exercise (it is critical while Moon has less gravity than Earth and it can affect the muscle mass of the astronauts) and having breakfast, they move on with daily working plan which is changing to their expertise. In general performing experiments in laboratories, plant house work, changing less batteries, repairing the needs, observing the planetary event for the research, checking all equipments which is critical for the base camp. Following working time they can have spare time in living facilities in where all entertainment tool are placed. Then sleeping for 8 hrs. But always one astronaut need to be awake to control any unexpected issues.

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