
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Badatelé

Univerzitní základní škola a mateřská škola Lvíčata  Prague    Czech Republic

External link for 3d

Project description

Advances in science (life in space, astronomy, materials). We will find out how humans can function on a planet with a different gravity. How to get air, water, food on the Moon. How to protect us from cosmic radiation, meteorites and everything so that we don’t need anything from Earth. We will find out if we can use the resources on the moon, for example, for further space exploration. Maybe we can build on Moon spacecraft to further explore outer space.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

We chose the lunar pole because it has several advantages. There is a lot of frozen water that is essential for our lives. A more stable temperature, which will allow us to better solve the right temperature in our Moon Camp. There is also longer sunshine than at the equator, which we need to grow plants for food and oxygen and to generate electricity.


The main source of water will be the recycling of each drop. We have to replenish the water that disappears from the recycling system. (entrances and exits from the camp, leakage of liquid or vapor in the event of an accident, etc.). We will get the necessary additional amount of water for the camp from the frozen water, which we get from the frozen lakes at the poles. Special lunar carts could operate on the surface and scrape off frozen water. We have a garage for many multipurpose carts.

We will get the food in the plant dome, into which we let only the sunlight necessary for the life of our plants. We will supply the system with water. We use the plants several times (see also air). We will eat the plants. We will probably grow small algae that are probably less demanding than other plants, and we think they could thrive on the Moon Camp.

We will get electricity from solar panels. The solar panels will be in more places around the camp so that we can take better care of them. When no sunshine, we will also have a small nuclear reactor at the camp. The reactor will be further from the camp so that it does not harm us or the camp in the event of an error. Currently produced but unused electricity will be stored in batteries, which will also power our various devices. A battery and a small reactor will also allow us to survive, for example, a lunar eclipse.

The plant dome will be our main source of oxygen. Photosynthesis in plants will convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. There should be enough plants in the dome to be able to process the carbon dioxide that our Moon Camp produces and it has not accumulated. If there is little oxygen or there is a leak, we will get oxygen from regolith, which contains up to 45% oxygen. We’ll need a supply of calcium chloride from Earth until we can make it on the Moon.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We will have our Moon Camp both above ground and underground. We will build our Moon Camp as much as possible from local resources – regolith. We will bring from Earth only stuff which we are not able to create on the Moon like solar panels, special plastics, computers, antennas, special chemical compounds … . We will bring some special machines to process regolith into building blocks. We have to do everything only by 2 astronauts. Cool thing would be bigger 3D printer able to have regolith as input and produce necessary building blocks.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

The biggest danger are space radiation and meteorites. Astronauts will be protected mainly in underground (living room, eating room, bedroom, gym, water reservoir). When we will need to be above ground (plant dome, laboratory, entrance, garage, reactor dome, solar plants) we will be shielded by strong metallic building blocks of regolith or regolith which can be piled up above the contruction of unit.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Being an astronaut on such an important mission is an honor. The astronaut has a hard day. After getting up and the morning hygiene, he eats and is ready to inspect the camp. Possible maintenance of various systems especially those who provide life support. Then his activity goes to research and development. He must also monitor himself, his bodily functions. He has to take care of his good mood, for example, communication with the Earth or exercising in the gym. After taking care of the camp, the astronauts eat easily and start further work. Working in a laboratory, in a plant dome or one of the most difficult activity: an expedition outside the camp to obtain the necessary raw materials or samples from the near or distant surroundings of the Moon Camp or, for example, maintenance of solar power plants. In such tasks, astronauts must be very careful and control each other. The reward for a job well done will be that if everything goes well, there will be more of them in the Moon Camp in time and so they will be able to play even more complex board games than just those for two :-). They will have more interesting and complex projects. However, before bed, the tired astronauts take care of the base again and prepare things for the next day and then fall asleep. Over time, the Moon Camp could become a Moon Base, and that’s a different story.

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