
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Llunatics

Escola Pia Matarò  Matarò    Spain

External link for 3d

Project description

Our project starts with an international treaty similar at the ultraterrestral treaty of the U.N, that of respect and protection of the lunar space, and more specifically, in the preservation of historical spaces such as: mission landing areas or mission collision zones. 

The process of building the main dome will be similar to the BEAM module which is used on the International Space Station. We named this module GORGON Once the module is influenced, another mission will arrive that will transport robots that put a lunar (regular) layer of 20 cm of lunar sand that will do a lot to avoid much of the solar radiation. This module will be expanded by 2 more rooms the scientific research module and the agriculture module.

Also, our moon camp challenge will have 20 solar panels that can be expanded by a nuclear reactor. And finally a take of a landing platform. 

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

The location we propose is the area of ​​the lunar South Pole more specifically, around Shackleton crater, as it is a place with high scientific potential. This crater is one of the deepest in the solar system and when it reaches the bottom, sunlight causes the elements to reveal the secrets of the solar system. In addition, there are useful elements for life, such as water that can be used to make rocket fuel, breathable oxygen and even drinking water.

There are areas around the crater where the sun shines, which makes it easier to use solar panels.



We invent a rover named L.E.R that their work is search and transport lunar resources of the moon that are in the upper layers of the surface (H20 and others). This water will be filtered to protect the health of the astronauts.

In an advanced state of our moon camp will have an agriculture module named Meter i(n honor of the goddess of agriculture Demeter) which will bring food self-sufficiency to the base, until we have the module, the astronauts will have to supply themselves with the food that is provided to them from the earth, similarly to the used one for the ISS.

As we say earlier, our moon camp will be supplied by 20 solar panels we have used this method because around Shackleton crater the sun rarely sets, also, the camp will have batteries in a case of an emergency. In advanced base states it will have nuclear reactors to supply all the demand.

, once it returns, the rovers, will bring all the material to a processing plant that converts the H20 to O2and H, The O2 will be transport to the habitable modules, before that it will be mixed with other element to create a safe and breathable atmosphere. This step is important to inhabit misfortunes like the one that happened with Apollo 1

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

First before the human arrival on the moon, it will land a module called GORGON which what it will do will be similar to the BEAM module already used for the ISS. When this module is inflated it will generate a habitable and pressurized space suitable for the arrival of humans, Once all this procedure has been done, some robes incorporated in the legs of the module will cover the dome with a layer of 2 cm of sand that will avoid the solar radiation. All this procedure will be repeated in all the habitable modules.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

All the habitable modules will be covered by a 20 cm layer of regolith that will prevent much of the solar radiation. Also, the astronauts wear special suits, which will have a 2mm layer of lead in areas of the body that are vulnerable to radiation, such as the chest, head and the reproductive system. The astronauts will always have connection to the camp base and if they have to go more  If the astronauts have to go on an expedition more than 1km from the base they will have to take a rover and be accompanied by another astronaut.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Once the crew of the base has exceeded 8 inhabitants, there will be 2 groups which will distribute the hours of sleep in shifts of 12 hours.Once they wake up, the astronauts will have to get dressed and go to eat the necessary portions of food once that, the astronauts will have to go to their respective jobs,research, machinery repair exploration among others.Every 3 hours the astronauts will have to return to base and exercise so to maintain muscle mass 1 hour later the astronauts will have 30 minutes to rest and then return to their respective jobs (All of these rules may be violated in the event of an emergency. Or in case the mission control orders it).

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