
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Silver Camp

Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi nr 20 im. Jana Gutenberga Fundacji Szkolnej w Warszawie  Warszawa    Poland

External link for 3d

Project description

Our two-story base is adapted to provide life needs and research capacities for five people. It has a dome where we would grow plants, two observatories, solar panels supplying energy to the station and a landing pad with a rocket. It would also be equipped with vehicles that would help to explore the Moon. On the first basement there would be a science section intended for the research and management of the base’s operations. There would be rooms with machines controlling the air, water and energy as well as an IT room. It would also include several laboratories, one with thicker walls for dangerous experiments, a storeroom and a cold room. On the second basement would be the residential part. There would be rooms for each astronaut, a kitchen, a food storeroom, a gym and a garbage segregation machine. There would also be several airlocks ensuring safety for people inside.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

The edge of Shackleton’s crater with solar panels all around the entire perimeter of this crater. We would also have two observatories, one on the visible from Earth mountain Malapet and the second one in the crater Aitken which is very interesting for research.

Why did you choose this location?

Thanks to the position of solar panels, regardless of which side the sun falls on, they would constantly provide the electricity and energy necessary for the station’s operation. We would like to set the base on the side of the Moon that is visible from Earth. Shackleton’s crater is located at the southern pole of the Moon where there are ice craters. We would draw water resources from them, which would be used for the growth of plants, and for the needs of everyday life. This crater is known for its unchanging temperature, which would help us regulate air conditions.


We would obtain water from the ice found in ice craters on the Moon. In our station there would be a machine that would be used to crush and melt ice to obtain water. The water would be transported from the machine in the crater to the machine in our base where it would be filtered and treated for human consumption. Then it would be distributed by pipes to various rooms depending on the demand.

Part of the food would be transported to our base from the Earth. However, it would be possible to grow some plants on the Moon’s surface. Such plants are, for example: tomatoes, cress, arugula, radish, rye, quinoa, chives, peas and leeks. These are plants that need a lot of potassium and iron for growth, which are found in lunar soil.

We could obtain energy from solar panels which would have a total area of almost 200 m2. These would easily cover our power consumption. Our backup source would be a nuclear reactor or batteries filled with excess energy from panels.

We would be able to extract air from the ice using the Hofmann apparatus. The backup source of air would be oxygen from the Earth which we would extract by means of electrolysis of molten salts.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

When the astronauts would arrive on the Moon our base would already be built because we would have sent vehicles there to build it. First, they would dig a pit and make concrete using the water and make an outer wall in which they would drill holes and fill them with water. Then, using a polyethylene filament, they would print station. The astronauts would expand the base using plastic filament delivered from Earth in the form of containers with food or other necessary items. Using it robots would build the next parts of our little world.


The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

The walls would be made of polyethylene and would be at least 20 cm thick. The base would be covered with a thick concrete wall with holes for water, which would be another protection against radiation. Concrete, which is part of this composite, is an insulator that would protect the astronauts from the outside temperature. We would have airlocks thanks to which the atmosphere of the Moon would not reach the inside. If the airlocks would be damaged, all the astronauts would hide in a room next to the airlock and stay there until help would arrive from Earth.


Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Our astronaut John just got up. First, John went to the bathroom and took a shower using water. Behind the wall he could hear the machine. After shower, he went to prepare breakfast. He went to the storeroom to get a few powdered eggs to make scrambled eggs, and to get chives from the dome. He had to use a lift to get there. When he finished, all his colleagues came, ate breakfast, and began the day. John went to the gym to keep fit. Kasia, an astronaut from Poland, was also there. She promised to help John collect the lunar soil he needed for today’s experiments. After exercising, John prepared the test tube containers, put on his suit and went to the surface of the Moon with his friend. They went through the airlocks outside. When they finished, they put some of the tubes into a storeroom and a cold room. They took the rest with them to a special laboratory with thick walls to check the flammability of the regolith. Other astronauts watched them through a window. They immediately sent the results of their research to an agency on Earth. It was getting late, so everyone got ready to watch the swarm of asteroids in the observatory. They had to turn the observatory to be able to observe this phenomenon. John, who was tired after a long day, ate dinner and went to sleep. Falling asleep, he heard his colleagues watching a movie in the living room.

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