
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Blue Space

Shanghai United International School Wanyuan Campus SUIS-WY; Shanghai Pingnan Primary School  Shanghai    China

External link for 3d

Project description

In 2030, our moon camp will be successfully built on the moon, with a cool name”Blue Space”. The Moon Camp consists of lunar base, two lunar rovers, a lunar lander, a water-ice collector(mini robert) and a mineral collector, which is capable of living and working for three 0r four astronauts. There are five parts in the lunar base. They are Nuclear  and Solar power area, Space Farm, Scientific research area, Living area and Launching site. The solar arrays are used to collect solar energy and convert solar energy into electricity. Two batteries are used to store the electricity. In the space farm, we plant some plants which can generate oxygen and provide food. There is a big water Ice collector to generate water. The astronauts study the moon and the universe in the scientific research area. The Living area is built under the moon to avoid the risk of meteorite impact and space radiation. Our lunar probes are launched and land in the launching site. The lander was designed to be light and safe. The solar panel can hide when metor rain took place.I made many thruster to power the lander. The radar can turn inside if a metor rain took place. The back has two door between astronaut seats and trunk.The door can be closed by remote control. Betweeen the door are some space, it is used to store air tanks and put spacesuit in.The astronauts seats are suited with remote control that can control any thing on the lander.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

There are two reasons. Firstly, The scientists find that there are water-ice crystals close to the lunar poles. Our astronauts can collect water-ice crystals and revert to water that is necessary for the life. Secondly, some parts of the moon’s polar regions can be bathed in sunlight for long periods of time, continuously illuminating more than 200 earth days. So the solar arrays can make full use of the sunlight to provide the energy for the moon camp.


Mini robot will work to find water-ice crystals at the lunar surface which can be reverted to water .

Astronauts on a space farm can grow green plants and vegetables and raise animals, which provide them with food to survive.

Solar panels collect solar energy, convert it into electricity, and store it in batteries to provide energy for the moon camp.

Plants on the space farm can produce oxygen through photosynthesis.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

First, astronauts ship some materials and 3D printers from the earth to the moon, and then print the materials into base buildings on the moon. Also, astronauts collect minerals from lunar bases, refine and process them into building materials, and then print out D required building with a 3 printer.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

Living areas are built below the moon’s surface to avoid space radiation and meteorite attacks. The buildings built on the surface of the moon have a hard shell that can resist meteorite impact and space radiation. Astronauts observe space in scientific research rooms, on the one hand, for scientific research, and on the other hand, for predicting the danger from space.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Early in the morning, astronaut Xiao Le flew the lunar lander from the earth to the moon, he brought some materials on the earth. At 9 o’clock, the lander landed safely at the launch site of the Moon Camp. The moon carries astronauts Xiao Le and supplies to the base. At 9:30, astronaut Xiao Le came to the space farm, picked out his favorite vegetables, fruits and eggs, then took the elevator to the living area under the moon, and made his own delicious breakfast. After breakfast, he took the elevator to the research area and began today’s space observation and research. he checked the solar power area, everything is ok. He started the water ice collector and mineral collector again, and the water circulation system began to work.

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