
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Moon Camp G3

Escola El Roure Gros  Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer    Spain

External link for 3d

Project description

The Moon Camp has a kitchen with the meal and a place to cook.
There is a bedroom. The bedroom has 4 beds.
There is bathroom with a shower and a toilet.
There is a dinning room. The dinnning has four chairs and one table.
There is a gym with trainning machines.
Out of the Moon Camp, there is a garage and a greenhouse.
The Moon Camp has a laboratry. In the laboratory you can do experiments. 

We want to explore and investigate a crater that is 13 km deep. This is the largest on the Moon, it’s called Aitken. Firs, we will send a rocket with robots to explore the Moon and build the camp. We will control the in the Earth. The camp would be inside a little mountain with a lock to keep the air. We would make two trips to the Moon. One for the robots and the material and another one for the astronauts and the rest of the equipment. 

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

We would build the camp near the south pole because there is ice in the craters and the sun shines more time. Moreover, we will build our Moon Camp inside a little mountain


We would take ice and melt it with the sun. It will be important to make it drinkable.

We would create a greenhouse to cultivate some plants and get food. The greenhouse would have a movable roof to have 8 hours of light.

We would get energy from solar panels.

We could get oxigen from the water and we will have air to breathe.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The robots could initially build the camp using the materials from the rocket. The walls would be made with a 3D printer using lunar dust. 

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

We will protect ourselves from radiation and meteorites building the camp inside a mountain and making an anti-meteorite shield that throws rocks from the moon. To protect ourselves from the temperatures, we have made a circuit of water that is heated by the Sun and cooled in the frozen areas of the crater.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The astronaut will wake up and have breakfast. Then he will have to do some task (They have to do exercise because otherwise they would lose strength. Explore the moon and do experiments. Analyze materials to find out how the Earth was made. Check if the solar panels charge batteries, radiators and other things. Check if everything is working well. Prepare food. Take care of the garden). After he have lunch, he will have to do some more work. When he will finish this, he will have free time before have dinner. Then he will go to sleep. 

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