
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: JLI

Scholé  Matosinhos    Portugal

External link for 3d

Project description

Our mooncamp is going to be in the south pole of the moon because it is where there is more ice and where the temperatures are higher. It is going to be inside a lava tube so we can be better protected from the solar radiation and that is where we have a better temperature.

On the surface we will have the vegetable garden, the garage and the antennas. In the underground we will have the gym, the cafeteria, the bedrooms, the computer rooms and a laboratory.

We are going to have a dome made of polyethylene to protect us from small meteorites and solar radiation.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

We chose to build our camp at the south pole because the temperature is more balanced, it varies between -50oC and 0oC and the access to water is easier. In the poles there is always ice that we can melt and get water in the liquid state. We also chose to stay in the lava tubes, because they are warmer (-20oC) and because they are underground. It also protects us from meteorites and solar radiation. We  want to build the bedrooms,  the gym,  the kitchen and the laboratory inside the pipes and what will stay on the surface are the antennas and the solar panels.


It is necessary to melt ice to obtain water and we also need to filter it. We cannot gain that muck water from the ice, so, we need to filter the water of the urine with recycling and filtering water. We can also recycle the water from the breathing.

We can take seeds into space and we can take vegetables and fruits. We can choose to take rice, lettuce, beetroots, tomato, carrots, vegetables and seeds that do not take to much time to grow. We cannot take seeds from fruits that grow in trees because we do not have enough room in our greenhouse to grow them.

We will use solar panels and batteries. We will place the solar panels in the poles and in a cube shaped form.
The batteries will gather the solar energy from the sun, and we can use them when we have moon eclipses.

we can get oxygen through plants or using spirulina. The spirulina produces oxygen in bigger amounts. However, as it does not have great nutritional value, we need to plant other kind of food. That way, we must be aware, when we create our greenhouse, that for a person to have enough oxygen during a day they neet 8m2 of spirulina or 13m2 of other plants.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

At our  Moon  Camp you’re staying at the south pole. We will use a 3D printer to build the walls that will create the rooms, the kitchen and other rooms as well as some necessary utensils.

We will use inflatable materials to use in the surface since it is easy to assemble and see throw, so the light can cross it.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

On the Moon we are exposed to various dangers such as lack of color in the spaces, longing for friends and family, vacuum, solar radiation or meteorites. To protect us from small meteorites and radiation, we can build a   polyethylen shield.

Using double doors, which open alternately, we can protect ourselves from vacuum because it prevents the air from the shelter to be sucked outwards. Astronauts may have access to a communication room, so they can talk to their friends and family.

Asking astronauts to choose the color of some part of the shelter helps them to deal with the lack of color in the camp spaces.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

To define one day of our astronauts, we know that they cannot all be asleep at the same time, because in that case, no one would be watching over the base. In addition, they will have to be entitled to privacy time – when they are alone – and leisure time – when they can use their time however they want. They must also do a minimum of 2 hours of gym.

During the day, our astronauts will have to make a list of missions from the moon base.

An example of an astronaut’s schedule is the following: at midnight (Earth time) one of the astronauts begins by cooking and then maintaining some equipment. Then he goes to work in the lab/computers and then collects materials from the Moon and ice. When they are done, he checks the rovers and sensors and at 7 o’clock communicates with Earth. At 8 o’clock there is privacy time followed by leisure time. Then he needs to take care of the greenhouse and check the filtration/purification systems and the solar panels. He communicates with his family at 1pm and arranges the following spaces. Before resting – from 17 to 23h – he goes to the gym for 2 hours.

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