
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: AlphaCrew

Externato Infante D. Henrique  Braga    Portugal

External link for 3d

Project description

We want to build a camp / observatory for future missions. We are mainly thinking aboute the future. However, they will collect samples to study the existence of life in ice and analyze some data. The remaining data will be being examined on ground. The possibility of life in natural caves will also be explored. So, our camp will have a laboratory to store / analyze water samples and a gym to compensate muscle losses. It will have a greenhouse for food prodution (and oxygen) and a deposit to store water supplies. The entire complex, which was created in modules, will have photovoltaic panels to provide energy. This camp must be a small building. MoonCamp is on South Pole and we are thinking in “Mare Nubium” for landing, but we need to read more about this subject because the distance can make the mission difficult.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

The choice of this area, near the poles, for camping is due to the fact that it always has light, which will allow the use of solar energy without restrictions as well as the need of very complex batteries. Other important fact is that there are natural caves, sheltered from intense solar radiation, which could be interesting places to explore the existence of life. Moreover, was discovered ice in pole zone, which can lead to water supply and that will make living conditions much easier on the moon.


Initially, the water presented in the astronauts’ urine will be reused, undergoing a cleaning process in a small treatment station. Subsequently, after analyzing the ice in the craters to make sure that there are no signs of life, the ice presented in the craters will be melted, to be consumed.

Our idea is to make a inflatable greenhouse, easy to transport and to turn on. This greenhouse will be connected to the living and working houses of our mooncamp. This will provide more carbon dioxide, that makes plants grew faster and will provide oxygen for the astronauts daily life. For the first begginning, the travelship will need to provide the ration for crew’s survival.

The camp will be covered by photovoltaic panels, in order to produce electric energy to whole camp. The will also be a solar panel that will allow heat water to help melt the ice, if it doesn’t have any trace of life. The gym can also provide energy, with simple exercises or devices that lead to generate current through electromagnetism.

Our mooncamp needs to have an air generator to produce breathable air, but the major source of air needs to be more sustainable. So, the air exhaled by the astronauts will be conducted to greenhouse area where plants will use it to make photosynthesis, and produce oxygen. The produced oxygen will be conducted to breathable air in the mooncamp. To protect astronauts inside the camp, there will be safety doors (double doors), to prevent air loss.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

For the construction, we will need a 3D printer which will print the camp, using lunar soil. The modular structure of the camp will allow this construction in phases. At an earlier stage of the construction of the mooncamp, astronauts will use an inflatable tent, with all the conditions of UV protection, temperature and ergonomics. If it is not possible to use an inflatable tent, astronauts’travelship ha to provide protection for their survival.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

To protect astronauts from life conditions on the moon, during outdoor explorations, they must wear a protective suit and use oxygen reserves, which can be recharged in the mooncamp.

To protect astronauts inside the camp, there will be safety doors (double doors) to prevent air loss. The entire camp must be coated by a nanoparticle that will protect it from temperature variations and the entrance of UV radiation. Concerning gravity differences, astronauts will have a daily plan for physical exercise, to avoid the loss of muscle mass.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The astronaut’s day in our project has 26 hours, 10 to work, and we consider 3 types of work: collecting samples of ice/water to analyse, testing those analyses or building the mooncamp.

In the begining, the constrution is the only work, but with time, this can be done as part-time, and they can collect samples of ice and analyze them. However, construtions need to be continued, because we need to build a mooncamp with conditions for the future explorations, in order to create a new perspective of the universe, a new astronomical observatory.

They will need more 6 hours to maintain life conditions, like water and food. So, they need to schedule the space agricuture and the water input. To reduce mucle losses they have 2 hours to exercise, every day. The gym can produce electricity too, so those 2 hours are, even more important.

Astronauts need to rest, so they have 8 hours a day to sleep or rest.

In our research, we discovered one important fact: astronauts miss sounds of Earth, mostly. So, to maintain the astronauts linked to Earth, the moon camp will provide Earth Sounds, when they need to.

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