
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.



External link for 3d

Project description

We thought to start our Moon camp with a single building using the pieces of our rocket. We’ll build into a Shackleton crater of the moon to be protected from the meteor showers and radiation, building a protective layer with regolith.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

We choose to build close to the lunar poles inside a Shackleton crater because it’s near the existing water ice and it has sunlight for a longer time than on other parts of the moon.


We studied that the moon has water ice near the lunar poles. Scientists discovered that while studying the moon. We suggest mining that ice, treat it in the lab, melt it so we can drink it.
We’ll also have some machines and air conditioning that will filter the air to gather the little water particles in a recipient so we can use the water as we wish (to drink, take a bath or even to our plants).

At the beginning of our journey we will need to take our own food, as the astronauts do at the iss.
The first astronauts will take some food to eat, seeds, water and earth soil, to plant in the greenhouse. These lamps will be powered by the batteries and the solar panels.
At our shelter we won’t need a lot of soil. We’ll have aquariums to grow fish. We’ll combine the plants and the fish hydroponically, so they can grow together.

We’ll have solar panels that will turn the sunlight into electricity so we can manage our camp/computers/machines when it’s night on the Moon. On the moon we have 14 earth days of sunlight that will help the plants to grow easily, and then the next 14 nights, in our greenhouse that will have special growth lamps, our plants will continue to grow.

We’ll have some O2 tanks to gather the air from the plants in the greenhouse and we’ll have some machines that will filter the air to get the CO2 (needed to grow plants).

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We could start to take to the moon an inflatable tent so we could work inside it with the air that we need to breathe.

We want to use the moon materials to build our shelter, such as, the regolith and the rocks, and the ones that we can take from Earth, such as the materials from our rocket.

We know that is not possible to transport to the moon every material that we need to build our moon camp. So we will have a 3D Printer and some filament so we can print a chair, or other materials or pieces if we need to fix something that can be broken.

So, we will think about using rocks and sand to build and make the protection of our camp.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

We’ll build, using the regolith (as ESA has done on Earth as an experiment), a protective shell. We’ll build underground the main parts of our shelter so the astronauts will be protected from radiation, meteor showers and other dangers of the Moon.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

We know that a day on the moon is not the same as a day on Earth. There’s a lot to do to spend a day on the Moon. And we also know that humans have to sleep/rest at least 8 hours a day.

There’s a lot of things to study on the moon.

We could look at our planet earth (every day for all eternity and fall in love every time with it) or could choose to do some studies about its changes.

In our lab, we could study the moon soil (how to extract the oxygen that this soil has got), craters and rocks, more exactly, the meteors that already are on the moon surface and those that will fall on the future; the water ice and its properties.

We could also go to the other side of the moon to see the spectacular vision of the stars without the influence of the light coming from the sun, or even install an electronic device to observe the stars.

It’s also very important to study the problems that humans can have without the gravity of the earth. That may be very important to the future of space travel.

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