
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Erwin and Ian

Robokids Whiterock  Whiterock    Canada

External link for 3d

Project description

Welcome to the Central Research Station! It features 4 small rooms for the astronauts to live in. Two of the specific rooms have special beds each inside that can strap the astronauts in during the night. There are tunnels to every room. The gym has two treadmills and two dumbells. The living room has a table in the middle, a wide and long chair with two big fridges. The control center has chairs and computers. The computers can control the satellite to research space while the computers are also for communicating with earth and moving the control tower. It can also double as an escape pod, in case of an emergency. There is an entrance that leads outside to the moon surface and there is an airlock elevator. The C.R.S is a great camp for astronauts because it has many things that can help them thrive with work.


Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

Our moon camp has solar panels that can benefit the system. Since Shackleton crater is exposed to continuous sunlight, the solar panels will absorb that energy and store it. This also a great spot since if there is an emergency it will take the energy and take off since the control tower can also be an escape pod. Shackleton Crater is also in great shape that can fit our The C.R.S. Overall Shackleton Crater is a great place for the C.R.S, with it having a good place to access resources while also in a great spot for our moon camp. That is why we believe Shackleton Crater is a great spot.


Our moon camp has a heater. The heater can heat things up to 700 degrees. This makes the ice melt really fast while it’s killing any organisms. The heater is an advanced prototype that doesn’t melt itself when it is activated. So it makes sure it is reusable. The heater can also freeze as it can get to –250 degrees. So, all the things that the astronauts really have to do is to just get the ice and put it in the heater. There is a storage for the water. You can take the water out, or put water in.

We actually have a lunar greenhouse close to the airlock elevator. This way the astronauts can plant and harvest food to eat. The soil is in a greenhouse, so the conditions are similar to the ones on earth. This makes the soil rich so that the grown thing would provide as much nutrients as possible since astronauts need the energy to do their work. That means astronauts can get food anytime in the C.R.S without difficulty. Overall food in our camp can be provided safely and sustainably.

As we mentioned in our description, there are solar panels. They take the energy from the sun since Shackleton Crater is exposed to continuous sunlight. Not only that but if we have more than enough power, it is able to keep that power and store it as extra energy. Because if evacuating the camp is needed, the tubes will fall off and the control center will take off using the extra power. It is a great way to sustainably use extra energy. Overall our moon camp can use power in a very efficient and sustainable way.

You might have noticed, that there is only one exit, that is with the airlock system. It is there to prevent the oxygen from escaping the base, whenever one of the astronauts goes outside. But how do we get oxygen you may ask? Well, we have different things that can contribute to the oxygen. First is photosynthesis, where we have plants do the job. It is a sustainable way. The biggest factor is when we use the water and we split it into oxygen and nitrogen. The oxygen will be breathed by the astronauts while the nitrogen is led out.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

First, we would need to launch the satellite. It will be able to monitor the construction site. After we would get the control base built. It is an escape pod, so we could launch it. Soon we would have a group of astronauts build the airlock elevator and around it. For the hard part, launch the tubes to the moon.  After sending out the half spheres and putting the tubes together, the solar panels will be added on. It is a simple build but would be a very useful place as the massive research will pay off.

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

The moon camp is a safe place to be. First of all, the camp is connected to the ground when it is built as we mentioned in the previous essay. This could help block storms and other natural disasters. Secondly, the moon camp has an escape pod that can lift off if there is an emergency. Using the extra power, it will fuel up the engines. Lastly, the moon camp can detect dangerous natural disasters. With the satellite, it can be controlled with a computer to monitor the level of the climate and other measures if needed.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The astronaut would wake up and take off the safety straps, then he/she would make his/her way to the living room, and grab something to eat quickly. The astronaut will then go up to the control tower, and probably study the space dangers by using the satellite. Soon they would go down to the gym to stay in shape and prepare to go outside onto the moon’s surface. When he/she gets suited up, they will go outside to retrieve a tank of water or to explore the moon. They would come back inside using the airlock elevator and airlock doors. It will secure the air to make sure that oxygen will not leak out.  After that, he/she would go to the living room again to have a meal especially after going out onto the moon. Now the astronaut will make his/her way to their dorm, and finally link the safety straps together, and go back to bed. This is just a simple day in the life of our moon camp, but different features that our moon camp have will enhance the experience. That would be a day living in the C.R.S.


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