Kuuleirin projektigalleria 2023-2024 

Inspiroidu näistä hämmästyttävistä elinympäristöistä, joita maailmanlaajuiset opiskelijaryhmät ovat suunnitelleet avaruuden tutkimista varten.

Creatures of the Mars by Martians

Klaipedan lyseo  Klaipeda-Klaipeda    Liettua 13 vuotta vanha   5 / 0 Englanti Mars

Ulkoinen linkki Tinkercad 3D-suunnitteluun

Hankkeen kuvaus

This project involves creating a habitat that mimics the conditions of Mars, including its harsh climate, limited resources, and isolation from Earth. The Mars Camp habitat is designed to be a self-sustaining environment, with solar panels for energy, hydroponic gardens for food production, and recycling systems for water and waste management. The astronauts will be responsible for maintaining and operating these systems, as well as conducting scientific research and experiments to further our understanding of Mars. The training at Mars Camp will be rigorous and comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics such as geology, biology, engineering, and survival skills. The astronauts will learn how to conduct extravehicular activities, operate rovers, and communicate with mission control. They will also undergo physical and psychological tests to assess their fitness and readiness for the challenges of living on Mars. It offers a chance to push the boundaries of knowledge and technology, and to inspire a new generation of explorers and innovators.


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