Kuuleirin projektigalleria 2023-2024 

Inspiroidu näistä hämmästyttävistä elinympäristöistä, joita maailmanlaajuiset opiskelijaryhmät ovat suunnitelleet avaruuden tutkimista varten.

Apollo 18 by COOL NERDS

Ellinogermaniki Agogi  Ateena-Pallini    Kreikka 13 vuotta vanha   4 / 0 Englanti Kuu

Ulkoinen linkki Tinkercad 3D-suunnitteluun

Hankkeen kuvaus

We are the “Cool Nerds”, and we started a mission to explore the moon and make a base for us to stay there and include all our needs. We named this project “Apollo 18”. Our base will have a communication center to communicate with earth, which will include lots of computers. It will also have a place for the astronauts to sleep and a place for them to have fun and train. In the main base, there will be put the astronauts’ suits. The astronauts will need some food sources. That is why we created a green-house full of vegetables and fruits. There will also be a kitchen in our base and a water tank. In all these buildings we have added solar panels so we can collect all the energy we need for our base. To separate all these buildings, we built the main base in the center, and we put big pipes as corridors coming out of the main base, around it in a star shape. At the end of the corridors, we placed the other buildings. We have also built a rover that will explore the moon and dig it to find water to cover our needs. The most things in our moon camp will be made there by a high technology 3D printer which we will carry from the earth.

In case of a meteor approaching, the base has sensors to warn the inhabitants to go to a safe shelter. The weather on the moon can be cold and unstable. That is why the base has high-tech heating systems and is built with materials that provide thermal insulation. Finally in order to help the astronauts survive due to lack of oxygen, the camp has plenty of modern air decompressors that provide fresh air and oxygen to the people that live on the base. Many corridors connect the various buildings of the base so that people can easily go from one place to the other without having to step outside.

In order to have the necessary water we will build a water tank. As it is known, the moon has frozen water underneath the surface. So, we will have a rover that can dig under the surface to find frozen water. We will take a big oxygen tank with us to add it in our base.


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