Kuuleirin projektigalleria 2023-2024 

Inspiroidu näistä hämmästyttävistä elinympäristöistä, joita maailmanlaajuiset opiskelijaryhmät ovat suunnitelleet avaruuden tutkimista varten.

火星资源开发主题营地 by Cclbww

郑州轻工业附属中学  河南省郑州市-河南省    Kiina 19-vuotias, 18-vuotias   4 / 0 Kiinalainen Mars

Hankkeen kuvaus


Englanninkielinen käännös

Our Mars camps are located in the North and South Polar Regions and in mid-latitudes, chosen because of the abundance of subsurface ice and the potential for nearby mineral resources. The voyage utilizes an efficient Hohmann transfer orbit, and the landing sites are selected based on remote sensing data, taking into account the distribution of the ice sheets and the terrain and climate to ensure safety and accessibility of resources. Mars landings utilize special technologies such as parachutes and thrusters. Our activities will be closely centered on predefined scientific objectives and mission requirements. The Mars camp is designed as a dome, with curved surfaces covering the spherical top and elliptical chambers to achieve a balanced distribution of structural forces. Solar panels and charging stations are also constructed around the main body. Since minerals are widely distributed on the surface of Mars, we hope that the designed camp will contribute to the exploration and development of Mars. In order to realize the exploration and development of Mars, we have designed a mining vehicle, a transportation vehicle, and a vehicle charging station to facilitate the collection of minerals and to ensure the efficiency of travel. The main camp is equipped with an internal laboratory dedicated to mineral analysis and processing. To cope with the scarce energy conditions on Mars, we designed a foldable solar panel that not only collects energy efficiently, but also folds to withstand extreme weather. Given the abundance of water ice on the Martian surface, our mining rover is also equipped with ice harvesting capabilities. In addition, we have built water storage stations to ensure a constant supply of water. By electrolyzing water with solar energy, we are able to produce oxygen and hydrogen, which are then supplied through the main camp’s internal circulatory system. To ensure a steady supply of food, we built a space farm to provide healthy food for the crew.

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