Galerie du projet Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Laissez-vous inspirer par ces étonnants habitats pour l'exploration humaine de l'espace, conçus par des équipes d'étudiants du monde entier.

Moon Base by Moon Life

Colegio El Roble  État de México-Huixquilucan    Mexique 14 ans   2 / 2 Anglais Lune

Description du projet

It is a field of house-like stations that allow people to study the moon and live temporarily on it. They have a system of tunnels that communicate with each of the houses and allow people to transport from one place to another. There are rooms with oxygen so that they don’t need to wear helmets while they are in them and there are places where they can leave the rockets, where they can fix them, etc. There is going to be a laboratory where they can do research, vegetation areas where they can feed themselves and areas where they can get oxygen and it can be recycled.

#Conception 3D

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