Galerie du projet Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Laissez-vous inspirer par ces étonnants habitats pour l'exploration humaine de l'espace, conçus par des équipes d'étudiants du monde entier.

Smart Lunar Base by Lunar Innovators

Forum de l'innovation du Bangladesh  Dhaka-Dhaka    Bangladesh 6 years old and younger, 11 years old, 14 years old   6 / 3 Anglais Lune

Lien externe pour la conception 3D Tinkercad

Description du projet

Would not it be interesting if humans lived in moon like in a smart city? It will certainly be cool. For making this thing in a realistic we are working on an advanced Tinkercad model. In our lunar smart city there will be only 15 basic stations to control the city which will operate services to our lunar base populace comprising 20-25 inhabitants(it is for initial stage, with the span of time our lunar base population will increase,so with that, we will expand our lunar base accordingly). It sounds amazing right? Yeah. There will be mainly :1.Solar Power Station, Waste Management Station ,Water Supplement Station ,Garden station ,Residence station ,Air consumption station ,Rover gear station ,Communication station ,Healthcare station ,Research center ,Entertainment station ,Labs ,Education center ,Rocket launching center and Weather monitoring station. Each station is needed to make a complete lunar city. Our goal is to make a lunar smart city with rational sustainability, so there are systems with which the available resources of the moon will be utilized with minimum wastage and simultaneously the systems applied to our lunar base will barely rely on earth’s resources,hence from the construction to meeting the daily needs alongside ensuring stability, all factors will be ensured via utilizing the available materials from the moon and applying vital use of technology and internet(expanding with the help of versatile satellite technology).

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#Conception 3D

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