
Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Study space in Space station by Dhyana

Calgary Girls Charter School and Capstone Engineering Academy  Calgary-Alberta    Canada 14 years old   1 / 1 English Other location

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

I believe that my model is the ideal study space for a person to live for a few months in space. This is because of all the available features, for instance there are multiple lights located around the room, which are powered by solar panels. In order for the subject to keep their body in shape, I have included a treadmill fitted to help them stay healthy.

There is a washroom beside the ‘gym’ which has a sink, toilet, and a shower. Alongside is a ventilation system to filter out the water both safely and efficiently.

While on the other end of the space is a kitchen fitted for the space, with storage for both food and water.

Don’t think I forgot entertainment, as there is a towering bookshelf as well as a computer on the desk, multipurpose for both work and play.

Lastly, walls are layered with paper, aluminum, lead, and concrete to effectively protect people from radiation. The entirety of the structure is topped with a specially designed glass roof, so whomever staying there is able to view the exterior whenever they please.

#3D Design

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