
Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Moon Camp by Universal Fighters

IES CERVANTES  MADRID-MADRID    Spain 13 years old   6 / 0 English Moon

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Our base is in the moon,it has a big dome which inside has : Six beds,a dining table for six people and some tanks with resources such as oxygen , water and food it also has a tank

for waste which later is used to fertilize the plants. The dome is basically a place to rest or to get your helmet off for some time.

We have a satellite which helps us to know the weather and the possible storms incoming , it also recognises possible meteor impacts so we can send something to destroy it or change its trajectory.

We have a Rover that helps us for mobility or long journeys.

We have a plants room where there are a lot of different type of plants which provide us oxygen and also food.

You may ask that where to we get all the energy for doing these things? Well we have some solar panels to get that energy.

And as proud spanish people we are we put our flag directly in a stone.

#3D Design

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