SAPACE HOUSE by Los Power Rangers
IES CERVANTES MADRID-MADRID Spain 13 years old 4 / 0 English Saturn’s moons
External link for Tinkercad 3D design
Project description
The purpose of this project is to make a hotel where we can survive on the moon of Titan. To do this, we have needed a lot of utensils and objects to survive. For example, we put a barrel with water and another with oxygen (because there is no oxygen or water on that moon) and we connected them through some pipes underground, so that they reach all the domes. On the other hand, we get oxygen from the trees in the central dome. For water, on the other hand, we used a water purifier that took water from the ground.
Now the domes. We positioned nine domes in such a way that the one in the centre, which is the largest, connects the rest of the domes. In each of these smaller ones, we put what we needed to survive, four rooms for sleeping, two greenhouses for food, a kitchen and a living room. In the big one, we put a forest and a small lake.
Now you may be wondering, how we got here? For that we travelled in a Sputnik-PS rocket that was able to cross the barriers of Titan’s moon.
Now for one of the most important things, electricity. As you can understand there is not much light on Titan, so we installed some windmills to give us energy.
Also, in order not to have to walk everywhere, because there are four of us, we put two robbers of two seats each.
#3D Design
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