Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Campamento lunar by Míriam y Claudia Cruz Rodríguez

IES Santisima Trinidad  Baeza-Jaén, Andalucia    Spain 13 years old   2 / 2 Spanish Moon

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Hemos creado un edificio futurístico con todo lo necesario para poder sobrevivir en la luna , desde salas completamente anti gravedad, jacuzzi, su propio huerto de riego automático que es el que proporciona oxigeno a todas las salas, una sala para conseguir agua de los cometas y cuerpos celestes en forma de hielo y convertila en agua totalmente potable, un bufete con comida envasada al vacío, un cuarto de descanso, un cuarto con un monitor que sirve para recibir señales de la tierra, hasta una sala de trajes, droides, y su propio museo. Esta perfectamente  equipado para  2 personas, pero hay comida para 6.

English translation

We have created a futuristic building with everything necessary to survive on the moon, from completely anti-gravity rooms, a jacuzzi, its own automatic irrigation garden that provides oxygen to all the rooms, a room to get water from the comets and celestial bodies in the form of ice and convert it into completely drinkable water, a buffet with vacuum-packaged food, a rest room, a room with a monitor that is used to receive signals from the earth, even a room with suits, droids, and their own museum. It is perfectly equipped for 2 people, but there is food for 6.

#3D Design

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