Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Base espacial by Rubén Moreno Martínez

IES Santisima Trinidad  Baeza-Jaén, Andalucia    Spain 13 years old   1 / 0 Spanish Moon

Project description

Base lunar con un cohete, un invernadero y una sala de minería, al fondo, al lado de la antena se puede ver un suministro eléctrico, al lado de la base se puede apreciar el sistema solar y poco más al lado dos naves espaciales.

English translation

Lunar base with a rocket, a greenhouse and a mining room, in the background, next to the antenna you can see an electrical supply, next to the base you can see the solar system and a little further to the side two spaceships.

#3D Design

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