Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

CHEOPS Base by Team Europa Bartholdi

Lycée bartholdi  Colmar-Grand Est    France 15 years old, 16 years old   4 / 2 English Jupiter’s moons

Project description

“Somewhere, something incredible waits to be discovered”- Carl Sagan. With this quotation in mind, we decided to leap into the unknown, to go further into space and explore a distant satellite in our solar system, Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Our mission is named SPHINX (Space Planet and Habitat Initiative for New Exploration) and our self-sufficient base CHEOPS (Central Habitat of European Operations), in reference to the wonders the ancient human civilizations achieved to build while reaching beyond their limits. The SPHINX mission has several goals. The main goal of our mission is to study Europa, its characteristics and to use its advantages to increase our knowledge of the Universe. Astronauts will study potential life in Europa’s oceans, the geological activity of its ice blocs in connection to its tides. It is also an interesting observation point for Jupiter and the surrounding planets. Europa is also a strategic destination in the pursuit of space exploration and as a self-sufficient base, a future checkpoint for space travel. Moreover, the journey to Europa is long so our base must be self-sufficient. Producing resources to meet human needs as well as adapting human beings to extreme environments is one of the greatest challenges of this mission. Europa is a planet characterized by its frigid and extreme environment for humans. It is essential that astronauts train for this climate. First, astronauts will conduct training in the Arctic. They will learn to survive in harsh situations and regularly train to deal with potential emergencies that arise on base.


More images and 3D objects can be found in the Google Drive linked below.

Project link–5Rxju2x2sr4ODUh4WxNEvqXBH?usp=drive_link

Project video

#3D Design

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