Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Space Invaders by Space Invaders

La Devesa School  Carlet-Valencia    Spain 14 years old   5 / 3 English Mars

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Project Overview

Our project focuses on the exploration and sustainability of Mars. We aim to illustrate methods for survival on the planet, addressing essential needs such as food, water, and air. Through various models, including a satellite, rocket, moon rover, moon lander, and a greenhouse, we showcase our strategies for thriving in the Martian environment.

Location Selection

Our chosen site for the Moon Camp is Mars. Inspired by a compelling film titled “The Martian”, which we watched in class, we were captivated by the idea of recreating its allure. Our aim is to surpass the cinematic portrayal by crafting a more visually stunning and intricate rendition.

Construction Approach and Materials:

Drawing inspiration from the materials depicted in the film, we have selected the most suitable ones for constructing our Moon Camp. These materials align with our vision for authenticity and effectiveness in building a sustainable habitat on Mars.


Water Production

Water is essential for human survival, and producing it on Mars is crucial for long-term habitation.

The process involves using the Martian soil, known as regolith, which contains a significant amount of water trapped within it.

By heating the regolith, the water molecules are released as vapor, which can then be collected and condensed into liquid water for various uses, such as drinking, agriculture, and industrial purposes.

Oxygen Production

Oxygen is vital for breathing and for fueling rocket engines for return trips to Earth.

The main source of oxygen on Mars is the carbon dioxide (CO2) present in its atmosphere.

Electrolysis is proposed as a method to extract oxygen from CO2. This process involves passing an electric current through water, splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen molecules. The hydrogen can be used as fuel, while the oxygen is collected for breathing or other applications.

Food Production

To cultivate food on Mars, In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) is employed, utilizing Martian soil and innovative growing methods. Martian soil, rich in minerals but lacking organic matter, undergoes processing to remove toxins and enhance fertility. Hydroponics and aeroponics, which don’t rely on soil, are favored for growing crops, conserving water and nutrients. Artificial lighting, particularly LEDs, compensates for weaker sunlight. Selecting suitable crops like leafy greens and herbs, and implementing closed-loop systems for resource recycling, ensures sustainable food production for future Martian colonies.

Energy Production

Solar Power

Solar panels are the primary source of electricity on Mars due to the abundance of sunlight.

However, dust accumulation on panels poses a challenge, requiring maintenance or innovative cleaning solutions.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells offer an alternative power generation method, utilizing hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity and water.

Challenges include the availability of hydrogen and the efficiency of fuel cell systems.




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