Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.


CEIP MARTIN CHIRINO  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria-Las Palmas    Spain 11 years old, 11 years old   26 / 12 Spanish Moon

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Hemos estado investigando las condiciones de vida en la Luna y los lugares idóneos para construir nuestra futura base lunar. Hemos decidido instalarla en el polo sur, cerca del cráter Shackelton para tener la posibilidad de encontrar agua, de que siempre tengamos luz solar y que las temperaturas no sean tan duras como en el ecuador de la Luna. Nuestras bases tienen todo lo que necesitamos para pasar varios meses en la Luna. Cuarto de comunicaciones, Laboratorio, zona de descanso y zona de cultivos.

English translation

We have been investigating the living conditions on the Moon and the ideal places to build our future lunar base. We have decided to install it at the south pole, near the Shackelton crater so that we have the possibility of finding water, that we always have sunlight and that the temperatures are not as harsh as at the equator of the Moon. Our bases have everything we need to spend several months on the Moon. Communications room, Laboratory, rest area and crop area.

#3D Design

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