Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

未来星际家园设计:星球种子的奇迹之梦 by Space Lords

创智学院创智实验室  广州-    China 10 years old, 8 years old   2 / Chinese Mars

Project description

1 概述


2 基本思路

2.1 埋地设计的优势与应用
2.1.1 安全性和温度稳定性
2.2 模块化设计的优势与应用
2.2.1 灵活性与可扩展性




2.2.2 工程效率和成本控制
2.2.3 质量控制和安全性
2.2.4 适应性与可重复利用性
2.2.5 可定制性和个性化

3 结构图样
3.1 模块化结构概述



储水罐和污水处理器 埋地污水处理仓
3.2.4 其他应用领域
讯号发射塔 太阳能发电系统
5 创意点
5.1 太空探险的种子:
5.2 资源管理与循环利用:
5.3 未来展望与挑战:

6 结语:

English translation

1 Overview

On this endless interstellar stage, we are pursuing a miracle, a dream that can take root and grow in the depths of space. This is an encounter between technology and romance, the birth of a planet seed, and the miraculous dream of an unknown star. Our design, like a seed of wisdom, aims to create an interstellar living environment that is both a comfortable home and able to dance in the boundless space.

2 basic ideas
The design idea of this interstellar home comes from our yearning for space and our deep understanding of the development of science and technology. Our basic idea is to integrate the two unrelated concepts of “burial” and “modularity”. By burying the main body of the base underground on the planet, we create a stable and safe living environment. The modular design gives life to this planet seed, allowing it to cope with different tasks and needs.

Buried to set up above-ground and underground space display and underground module unit display
2.1 Advantages and applications of buried design
Our visioning process is like planting a unique seed in the universe. First, we conducted an in-depth study of the target planet’s atmosphere, temperature, and radiation levels to select the most suitable “soil” for growth. Then, let the “seed” lurk inside.
2.1.1 Safety and temperature stability
The underground soil and rock layers have excellent heat insulation and radiation protection properties. Burying the main activity space of personnel underground can reduce the health risks to astronauts such as high heat, radiation, sandstorms, etc., extend the life of equipment, and provide more stable work. and living environment. At the same time, the pattern and rock thermal resistance can reduce temperature differences, reduce energy consumption, and optimize the climate control system within the base.
2.2.2 Concealment and confidentiality
By burying the base underground, the presence and activities of the base can be better concealed, reducing the risk of observation and detection by the outside world. This is important to protect the safety and privacy of astronauts, especially in situations where potential threats may exist.
2.2 Advantages and applications of modular design
2.2.1 Flexibility and scalability
The modular design allows the layout and functions of the base to be flexibly adjusted and expanded according to needs by dividing the base into independent modules. Each module can be designed, manufactured, tested and shipped independently, then assembled and connected on site via unified interfaces. This flexibility and scalability allows the base to adapt to varying mission requirements and changes in personnel size.

carrier spacecraft

The carrier spacecraft carries a module compartment

The carrier spacecraft carries two module compartments

2.2.2 Engineering efficiency and cost control
Modular design can realize the advantages of engineering efficiency and cost control. Through modular manufacturing and prefabrication, time and labor costs during base construction can be reduced. Modular design can also reduce the cost of materials and equipment through standardization and scaled production. In addition, modular design can also reduce the waste of construction waste and resources and achieve sustainable resource management.
2.2.3 Quality control and safety
The modular design allows each module to be manufactured and tested in a controlled environment, ensuring consistent quality and reliability. This factory-like manufacturing process reduces risks and safety issues on the construction site. Modular design also improves engineering quality and safety through standardized design and manufacturing processes.
2.2.4 Adaptability and reusability
The modular design allows the components of the base to be flexibly combined and reorganized to adapt to different tasks and changes in the environment. The modular nature also means that modules can be disassembled, relocated and repurposed, allowing the base to be reused or moved to another location after the mission is completed. This adaptability and reusability enhances the long-term value and sustainability of the site.
2.2.5 Customizability and personalization
The modular design can be customized to meet the specific needs of different tasks and personnel. Each module can be designed and configured according to specific functions and requirements to provide personalized spaces and facilities. This customizability and personalization improves astronaut comfort and productivity.
In summary, the base can provide a relatively stable, safe and livable environment under the harsh conditions of space. It provides astronauts with a better place to work and live, while reducing dependence on the external environment, laying a solid foundation for long-lasting human habitation and scientific research in space.

3 structural drawings
Imagine a smart planet seed, this is our design. The underground layer, like the “root” of the planet, includes astronaut living quarters, laboratories and entertainment areas. The underground modules are like the “flowers” of the planet, connected to each other through a channel system to form a complete interstellar home.
3.1 Overview of modular structure
Modular design is an important design method in base construction, which divides the base into independent modules, each with specific functions and tasks. The core idea of modular design is to split the base into relatively independent units to make it more flexible and scalable.
3.2 Description of common modules
3.2.1 Modular design of residential areas
The living area is where astronauts live and rest in the base. The modular design allows for flexible layout and configuration according to the needs and number of astronauts. Each housing module can contain cabins, living facilities and entertainment equipment to provide astronauts with a comfortable and private personal space.

Buried living warehouse
3.2.2 Laboratory modular design
The laboratory is an important place for scientific research and experiments. The modular design can customize different laboratory modules according to different scientific research needs. Each laboratory module can contain specific instrumentation, experimental benches, and data analysis systems to support various scientific research projects.

Underground work warehouse

3.2.3 Design of buried ecological planting warehouse
Buried design can provide a closed ecosystem for waste treatment and biological recycling. Through proper design and management, wastes such as wastewater, organic waste and carbon dioxide can be processed and transformed within the base to produce usable water, fertilizer and oxygen to support the continued operation of the base.
Underground ecological planting warehouse
3.2.4 Water resources management module design
The underground design of the base can achieve efficient management and recycling of water resources. The underground environment is relatively dry, and wastewater can be treated and reused by collecting and purifying water. Through the recycling of water resources, the dependence on external water supply can be reduced and the waste of water resources can be reduced.
Water storage tanks and sewage treatment tanks Underground sewage treatment bins
3.2.4 Other application areas
In addition to living areas, laboratories and storage areas, modular design can also be applied to other aspects of the base, such as office areas, communication centers, medical facilities, etc. Each module can be designed and configured according to specific functions and requirements, and then connected and combined to form a complete base structure.
Signal tower solar power system
Each intelligent planetary seed is the main structure of our design. These seeds are rooted in the soil in space, connected to each other through a channel system, and grow into a complete interstellar home.
5 creative ideas
This design starts from the concept of space seeds. The original intention of the design is to plant a seed in space. This seed will take root in the interstellar space and become the starting point for future space exploration. A seed of miracle. Starting from the original intention, it combines There are two concepts of modularity and underground setting.
5.1 The seeds of space exploration:
The implementability of this design is reflected in its modular structure. The independence and replaceability of modules make the construction and maintenance of the base extremely flexible, just like plants adapting to the environment as they grow. Each module is an independent unit and can operate independently, making it easy to replace and update. This design concept improves the maintainability and upgradeability of the base, allowing it to adapt to future technological advancements and mission needs.
5.2 Resource management and recycling:
Resource management and recycling issues were considered in the design. In space, resources are scarce, and every drop of water and every piece of air must be fully utilized. Modular design not only brings flexibility, but also provides the possibility for efficient use of resources. The recycling mechanism within the system can minimize dependence on external supplies, making the base more independent and sustainable.
5.3 Future prospects and challenges:
The design represents a small step toward future interstellar exploration, but it also faces its own set of challenges. The continuous advancement of science and technology will bring new possibilities to design, but also requires us to face unknown risks and problems. The actual feasibility of base construction requires further research and verification, and the impact of long-term space living on human body and mind also requires in-depth research.

6 Conclusion:
In the dream of this planet seed, we see the possibility and hope of future space exploration. The design of this interstellar home is not only a display of technology, but also human care and a brave exploration of the unknown interstellar space. Planet seeds take root and sprout in the universe, just as we look forward to future space exploration. This planet seed is the intersection of technology and dreams, and is an attempt by mankind to move towards the unknown interstellar world.

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