Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.


Gen. Lyceum CHRISOUPOLI  CHRISOUPOLI-CHRISOUPOLI    Greece 16 years old   13 / 9 English Moon

Project description

For our moon base, we have decided to design various facilities in order to enhance our astronauts’ stay in our camp. The fundamental reason behind these designs is the well-being of the astronauts and the creation of an environment similar to earth. We have also considered possible meteoric impacts.

Firstly, we have to make sure that everything in our base is made of lightweight and durable materials in order to withstand lunar conditions. Since we want our base to be aesthetically pleasing, we will use lunar colors and shapes in order to boost our morale and create a sense of community. Furthermore, another problem we need to combat is the levels of radiation and extreme temperatures on the moon. For this reason we have decided to incorporate shielding materials to protect against any type of radiation. Lastly our modules need to be versatile to expansion and changes for adaption to future needs. Generally, all of our facilities should be able to adapt to future purposes and scientific development.

In terms of our habitat modules, they will be composed of sleeping quarters, recreation areas and communication centers. Furthermore, enclosed greenhouses will be built in order to grow food using space-efficient methods. More importantly, they will be equipped with research labs for scientific experiments or other purposes. In addition to the modular facilities we will make sure to build training and medical centers to ensure our astronauts’ fitness. Other recreational facilities include gyms, libraries and generally leisure spaces. Additionally for observational purposes, we will design a special observation deck with panoramic windows for observing the earth and the lunar landscape.

Another important installation is solar panels in order to harness energy by exploiting the lunar day. Moreover, energy storages will be built and supplied with advanced batteries. The next important appliances include advanced air filtration, water recycling systems and disposal machines as life support systems to maintain a livable atmosphere.

In order to ensure our access to the areas in our base we need effective means of transportation such as moon rovers which will be specially designed for the moon’s surface. In addition, we have built landing pads for our astronauts to safely land in our base.

A necessity that we need to add is a functional communicational system. This can be ensured by creating satellite uplinks which will be used for relaying signals to and from earth. Also an internal network for robust communication will be useful for connectivity with the base. These arrangements can also be used to aid the emergency systems in the modules and give clear instructions in case of emergency evacuations. Essentially, emergency shelters will be built for safety during such events.

Finally and perhaps the most important criteria we have considered for this base is sustainability. We have to investigate local resources for potential use such as lunar regolith for construction materials. Also, we need to implement practices that minimize our base’s impact on the lunar environment in order to lessen our environmental impact.

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