Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Navedemanumoder EMM by Emmanuel Muñoz Miranda

Colegio Diocesano Santa María Nuestra Señora  Ecija-Sevilla    Spain 15 years old   1 / Spanish Saturn’s moons

Project description

Nave y campamento en Titán, Luna de Saturno. Elijo esta ubicación porque tiene poca radiación y tiene nubes, lluvia, ríos, lagos y mares. Y es bueno ya que tendremos mucha agua y es lo más parecido a la Tierra.

English translation

Ship and camp on Titan, Saturn’s Moon. I choose this location because it has low radiation and has clouds, rain, rivers, lakes and seas. And it’s good since we will have a lot of water and it is the most similar to Earth.

#3D Design

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