Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Starry Scholars by Starry Scholars

郑州轻工业附属中学  河南省郑州市-河南省    China 19 years old   3 / 1 Chinese Moon

Project description



为了更好的实现对宇宙的观测,我们建造了精致的天文观测站,天文站拥有着齐全的设备,在这里你可以尽情欣赏宇宙的星辰大海。我们利用一套优良的过滤系统将月球底部运输回来的冰块转化为可供人类饮用的水源,利用水源维系食物培养室的运行。同时,开设的采矿厂可以实现月球资源的开发,为植物培养调配适合的培养液,实现太空种植。为了方便人们出行,还设计了一款适应月球重力,能够自身实现加压的一款太空飞船。此外,人们可以使用火箭和多功能发射舱实现地球到月球的往返。维系人体生命特征极其重要。月球表面有着极度的温度波动,大约是123°C 的极高温度到-233°C 的极低温度。此时,核电站起到营地发电,供暖的重要作用。供暖的整体通过地下管道输送,实现营地内部的温度维持。由于月球表面直接暴露于太阳的紫外线和太阳风中,为了应对突发病情,我们特意建设了医疗舱,定期对营地人们的身体进行检查。此外,强大的通讯体系有助于人们日常沟通交流,信息传输中心、通讯卫星、接收雷达便能很好的解决沟通问题,以便于人们能实时传递确切信息,随时做出应对。对于燃料和资源的补充,我们建设了对外跳板,提供人类必需品的同时,飞船也能够进行维修保养和补充燃料,能更加便利高效的进行太空探索。


English translation

On the Moon, 384,400 kilometers from Earth, there is a camp on the plain of the far side of the Moon, 35 kilometers from the south pole of the Moon, which is full of people’s infinite reverie about the universe, and people’s exploration of the universe will also start here. The architectural style of the camp we designed is derived from the ancient characteristic culture – the Bagua map. Bagua diagram refers to the graphics created with the eight hexagrams of “Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, Kun” and Taiji. Using this design, the various systems are reasonably coordinated and the camp runs stably. In order to better realize the observation of the universe, we have built an exquisite astronomical observatory, which has a complete range of equipment, where you can enjoy the stars and seas of the universe. We use a good filtration system to convert the ice transported back from the bottom of the moon into a water source that can be used for human consumption, and use the water to keep the food culture room running. At the same time, the opening of the mining plant can realize the development of lunar resources, prepare suitable culture medium for plant cultivation, and realize space planting. In order to facilitate people’s travel, a spacecraft that adapts to the gravity of the moon and can achieve pressurization by itself is also designed. In addition, people can use rockets and multifunctional launch capsules to achieve a round trip from Earth to the Moon. It is extremely important to maintain the vital characteristics of the human body. The surface of the Moon has extreme temperature fluctuations, ranging from extremely high temperatures of about 123°C to extremely low temperatures of -233°C. At this time, the nuclear power plant plays an important role in generating electricity and heating the camp. The entire heating is delivered through underground pipes to maintain the temperature inside the camp. Since the surface of the moon is directly exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays and solar winds, in order to cope with sudden illnesses, we have specially built a medical cabin to regularly check the bodies of people in the camp. In addition, a strong communication system helps people communicate on a daily basis, and information transmission centers, communication satellites, and receiving radars can solve communication problems well, so that people can transmit accurate information in real time and respond at any time. For the replenishment of fuel and resources, we have built an external springboard to provide human necessities, and the spacecraft can also be repaired and refueled, which can make space exploration more convenient and efficient. People’s exploration of the universe is being realized step by step, and the conquest of the universe is one step closer.

#3D Design

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