Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

scientific research by 星拓者(HydroPioneers)

郑州轻工业附属中学  河南省郑州市-河南省    China 18 years old, 19 years old   5 / 2 Chinese Mars

Project description

我们营地星球选择火星。地理位置选定Medusae Fossae Formation,此地位于赤道,其天然洞穴和地表的熔岩管道可以保护人类免受辐射危害。近期,科学家们在此发现大规模“水库”。航天飞行器首先载建筑工具到达以建筑营地,建造完毕后,宇航员乘坐火箭直接到达营地;营地整体由主体封闭性层式加拱形建筑,流线型外框架和多功能塔构成。外置破冰车和探测车,且设弯曲型跑道供航天飞行器在火星地面风沙大的影响下防侧风安全降落。因科学家在此地发现大规模“水库”,星拓者(HydroPioneers)决定在此建造营地,以进行冰层研究,并探索是否有火星生命的存在,评估其作为未来火星殖民地的可行性。营地可将通过破冰车采到的冰,进一步水制燃料,水制氧,水过滤处理成生活用水。主体建筑一层设置培育室分别种植药用植物,进行太空种子研究和作为航天员日常食物来源。二层分设中控室,科研室,制氧室,燃料室,休息室,处理室。中控室内设环境处理装置,实时检测营地空气,保证空气质量良好;且设3d控制屏,会议桌,并设咖啡厅和鱼缸,为航天员提供情绪价值,体现人文关怀;科研室进行水冰和火星生命的研究;处理室不仅可将水冰处理为生活用水,而且可对营地产生的废弃物和生活垃圾进行处理。

English translation

The planet of our camp was chosen to be Mars. The geographic location chosen is the Medusae Fossae Formation, which is located on the equator and has natural caves and lava tubes on the surface that protect humans from radiation. Recently, scientists have discovered large-scale “reservoirs” here. The spacecraft first carries the construction tools to the construction camp, and after the construction is completed, the astronauts arrive directly at the camp by rocket; the camp as a whole consists of a main closed storey plus arched building with a streamlined outer frame and a multi-purpose tower. Outside the icebreaker and exploration vehicle, and set up a curved runway for space vehicles in the Martian ground under the influence of sandy winds to prevent side winds to land safely. HydroPioneers decided to build a camp here to conduct ice research and explore for the presence of Martian life and assess its viability as a future Martian colony after scientists discovered a large-scale “water reservoir” at the site. The camp will be able to use the ice harvested by the icebreaker to produce fuel from water, oxygen from water, and water filtration to produce water for domestic use. The first floor of the main building is equipped with a cultivation room to grow medicinal plants for space seed research and as a daily food source for the astronauts. The second floor is divided into a central control room, a research room, an oxygen production room, a fuel room, a rest room and a processing room. The center control room is equipped with an environmental treatment device to detect the air in the camp in real time to ensure good air quality; it is also equipped with a 3-D control screen, a conference table, a cafeteria and a fish tank to provide astronauts with emotional value and reflect humanistic care; the scientific research room carries out the research on water ice and life on Mars; and the processing room not only treats the water ice as water for living, but also handles the wastes and household garbage generated in the camp.

Project video

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