Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Fuzine ghetto 1120 by Apollo 1

OŠ Nove Fužine  Ljubljana-Ljubljana    Slovenia 14 years old   3 / 0 Slovenian Mars

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Izdelali smo model baze za astronavte in astronavtke, ki vsebuje:

  • gondole (za prevoz ljudi in pripomočkov …)
  • 2 raketi (prevoz do Zemlje)
  • 2 rastlinjaka (korenček, paradižnik, …)
  • sončne celice (za pridobivanje električne energije)
  • satelit (za komunikacijo z Zemljo ali vesoljsko agencijo)
  • pingvina
  • 4 hiške v obliki igluja (spanje, trening, …)
  • gore (dve vzpetini, da bi lahko zaščitili raketo)
  • gondolska hiša (vhod v gondolo)

Za lokacijo smo izbrali Marsov južni pol, saj naj bi bila tam pod površjem prisotna voda, v ozračju pa naj bi bilo tudi nekaj odstotkov kisika.


English translation

We have created a base model for astronauts, which contains:

  • gondolas (for transporting people and equipment…)
  • 2 rockets (transportation to Earth)
  • 2 greenhouses (carrot, tomato, …)
  • solar cells (for generating electricity)
  • satellite (to communicate with Earth or a space agency)
  • penguin
  • 4 houses in the shape of an igloo (sleeping, training, …)
  • mountains (two hills to protect the missile)
  • gondola house (entrance to the gondola)

We chose the south pole of Mars as the location, as there is supposed to be water under the surface, and there is also supposed to be a few percent of oxygen in the atmosphere.


#3D Design

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