Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.


OŠ Nove Fužine  Ljubljana-Ljubljana    Slovenia 13 years old   3 / 0 Slovenian Moon

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Odločili smo se, da našo bazo postavimo na enega izmed Luninih kraterjev.

Našo bazo smo opremili:

  • z bivališči in laboratoriji za astronavte (igluji),
  • z vodno črpalko v obliki zajetja, ki bo led pod površjem pretvarjala v tekočo vodo in jo črpala na površje Lune.
  • z robotom v obliki rakovice,
  • s sončnimi celicami za pridobivanje električne energije,
  • s satelitom, ki bo omogočal komunikacijo z Zemljo,
  • s fitnesom, v katerem bodo astronavti vzdrževali svojo kondicijo,
  • z rastlinjaki, ki bodo omogočali zadosten vnos hranil.

English translation

We decided to place our base on one of the Moon’s craters.

We equipped our base with:

  • with residences and laboratories for astronauts (igloos),
  • with a water pump in the form of a catchment, which will turn the ice under the surface into liquid water and pump it to the surface of the Moon.
  • with a crab-shaped robot,
  • with solar cells to generate electricity,
  • with a satellite that will enable communication with Earth,
  • with a fitness center where the astronauts will maintain their fitness,
  • with greenhouses, which will allow sufficient intake of nutrients.

#3D Design

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