Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Mars Fitness Camp by Rdeči marsovci

OŠ Nove Fužine  Ljubljana-Ljubljana    Slovenia 14 years old   3 / 3 Slovenian Mars

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Naš kamp na Marsu vsebuje fitnes, kjer se lahko razgibaš in poskrbiš za svoje telo, vrt s sadjem in zelenjavo za poskrbljeno zdravo prehrano in pa seveda dnevno sobo za druženje in spalnico.

Za pridobivanje elektrike smo uporabile sončne celice, ki so postavljene ob prebivališču.

Vodo bodo dobili iz postavljenega vodnjaka, saj na Marsu ni vode v tekoči obliki, ampak naj bi bil led pod površjem.

Za Mars smo se odločile, ker nam je bil ta planet zanimiv. Na njem je podobna količina sončne svetlobe, kot na Zemlji in je v primerjavi z drugimi planeti med primernejšimi za postavitev baze.

English translation

Our camp on Mars contains a fitness center where you can exercise and take care of your body, a fruit and vegetable garden for a healthy diet and, of course, a living room for socializing and a bedroom.

To obtain electricity, we used solar cells, which are placed next to the residence.

They will get water from a well set up, as there is no water in liquid form on Mars, but there is supposed to be ice under the surface.

We decided on Mars because this planet was interesting to us. It has a similar amount of sunlight as Earth and is among the more suitable for setting up a base compared to other planets.

#3D Design

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