Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.


OŠ Nove Fužine  Ljubljana-Ljubljana    Slovenia 13 years old   4 / 3 Slovenian Mars

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Izdelali smo 3D model baze na Marsu v programu Tinkercad. Naša astronavtska postojanka vsebuje naslednje elemente:

  • 3 zgradbe v obliki igluja (pisarna, toaletni prostori, fitnes),
  • večjo zgradbo z napisom NASA, v kateri bodo astronavti spali, počivali, se družili in delili svoje ideje,
  • sončne celice za pridobivanje električne energije,
  • Mars Lander oz. pristajalnik/robot, ki bo raziskoval površje planeta,
  • raketo, ki bo omogočala prevoz ljudi in pripomočkov med Zemljo in Marsom,
  • rastlinjak, ki bo astronavtke oskrboval s hrano.Na Marsu bi postavili bazo zato, ker ima veliko rudnih bogastev. Bazo bi postavili blizu južnega pola Marsa, saj je tam ledenik, s katerega bi pridobivali vodo. Elektriko bi dobili s sončnimi celicami, ki bi jih prinesli s seboj. Bivališče bi zgradili s 3D tiskanjem Marsove prsti ali iz kakšnega drugega materiala, kot je kovina. Prinesli bi tudi semena za špinačo, solato, ohrovt, grah, čebulo, česen in regrat, saj imajo zelo veliko hranilno vrednost. Gojili bi tudi riž. S seboj bi prinesli različne pripomočke za kopanje, vrtanje, izdelovanje baze, kopanje rude, raziskovanje, črpanje vode itd. Imeli bi posebno sobo z vodo in O2. Telovadili bi vsak dan redno. Imeli bi kar nekaj prostorov z različnimi nameni. Izven bivališč se ne bi pogosto odpravili, saj je sevanje na Marsu smrtno nevarno, če si preveč izpostavljen. Regolit je tudi zelo pomemben del baze, saj bi iz omenjene kamnine pridobivali material za gradnjo naših bivališč.

English translation

We made a 3D model of the Mars base in Tinkercad. Our astronaut outpost contains the following items:

  • 3 buildings in the shape of an igloo (office, toilets, fitness),
  • a larger building with the inscription NASA, in which the astronauts will sleep, rest, socialize and share their ideas,
  • solar cells for generating electricity,
  • Mars Lander or a lander/robot that will explore the surface of the planet,
  • a rocket that will enable the transport of people and equipment between Earth and Mars,
  • a greenhouse that will supply the astronauts with food. They would set up a base on Mars because it has a lot of mineral wealth. The base would be placed near the south pole of Mars, as there is a glacier from which we would extract water. We would get electricity from solar cells, which we would bring with us. The habitation would be built by 3D printing the fingers of Mars or from some other material such as metal. We would also bring seeds for spinach, lettuce, kale, peas, onions, garlic and dandelions, as they have very high nutritional value. They would also grow rice. They would bring with them various implements for digging, drilling, base making, ore mining, exploration, water pumping, etc. They would have a special room with water and O2. We would exercise every day regularly. We would have quite a few rooms with different purposes. You wouldn’t venture outside of your living quarters very often, as the radiation on Mars is deadly if you’re overexposed. Regolith is also a very important part of the base, as the material for the construction of our dwellings would be obtained from the aforementioned rock.

#3D Design

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