Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Martian Rover by LMMEL

Warsaw Montessori Middle School  Warsaw-Poland    Poland 14 years old   7 / 5 English Mars

Project description

We built this rover for Mars exploration, because that planet might have supported life in the past, making it worth exploring for signs of ancient life reasons. It shares characteristics with Earth, making it a valuable target for understanding planetary processes. Exploring Mars with rovers helps prepare for future human missions by scouting landing sites and assessing environmental conditions. It has also diverse geological features that can provide insights into its history and processes like erosion and climate change. Studying Mars helps us understand how terrestrial planets evolve, including our own.

The best material for a rover to explore Mars would be aluminium. It is cost-effective and readily available. It has good thermal conductivity, offers a balance of strength and weight, suitable for rocky terrain. Moreover aluminium is light that helps minimize overall payload mass and naturally resistant to corrosion.


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