Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

entertainment by Galaxy Harbor

郑州轻工业附属中学  河南省郑州市-河南省    China 18 years old, 19 years old   3 / 2 Chinese Moon

Project description

月球娱乐营地“银河港湾(Galaxy Harbor)”位于月球南极的最大的陨石坑“艾特肯盆地”。 营地设计采用未来主义和太空主题风格,将现代建筑与外太空探索灵感相结合。 游客可以乘坐高铁式时空列车从地球到达月球表面,再由我们的月球小车带领前往营地。同时,自驾游的旅客可以开着自己的私人UFO飞船前往我们营地,我们营地配备专门的停车场。我们娱乐乐园设计为地上地下两部分,地上是各种令人兴奋的娱乐设施,包括让您俯瞰月球壮丽景色的摩天轮、引领您探索宇宙奥秘的地标建筑望星塔,以及让您体验未来科技魅力的环球影城,其中还设有全息投影场景和月球版真人贪吃蛇等创新体验。而地下则是舒适的酒店居住区,为您提供一个宁静舒适的居住环境。同时,我们的营地采用先进的水循环系统,持续从地球运输水冰资源,确保宇航员有可持续的水源供应。同时,我们拥有一个水培大棚,生产新鲜水果和蔬菜,为宇航员提供营养均衡的饮食。并且,太阳能电池板和氦-3等能源储存系统为营地运营提供可靠的电力。其次,营地配备空气过滤系统,保持宇航员呼吸的空气清新。

English translation

The lunar recreation camp, Galaxy Harbor, is located in Aitken Basin, the largest crater at the south pole of the moon. The camp is designed in a futuristic and space-themed style, combining modern architecture with inspiration from outer space exploration. Visitors can travel from Earth to the surface of the Moon on a high speed time train and be guided to the camp by our lunar trolley. Meanwhile, self-driving travelers can drive their own private UFO spacecraft to our camp, which is equipped with a dedicated parking lot. Our park is designed to be both above and below ground. Above ground you will find a variety of exciting attractions, including a Ferris wheel with breathtaking views of the moon, a landmark Stargazer tower that will lead you on a journey to discover the mysteries of the universe, and Universal Studios, where you will experience the future of science and technology, with innovative experiences such as holographic projection scenes and a lunar version of Gluttony. The ground floor, on the other hand, is a cozy hotel living area, providing you with a peaceful and comfortable living environment. Meanwhile, our camp utilizes a state-of-the-art water recycling system that continuously transports water ice resources from Earth, ensuring a sustainable water supply for astronauts. Meanwhile, we have a hydroponic greenhouse that produces fresh fruits and vegetables to provide astronauts with a nutritionally balanced diet. And, energy storage systems such as solar panels and helium-3 provide reliable power for camp operations. Secondly, the camp is equipped with an air filtration system to keep the air the astronauts breathe clean.

Project video

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